July 25, 2017
Posted by: Jessica Beyer
Ensuring accountability and transparency in the distribution of refugee aid has always been a herculean task. Mismanagement of funds is rife and more often than not, aid is swallowed up
April 26, 2017
Posted by: Jessica Beyer
The following article is in a series focusing on countries that restrict speech online in order to prevent “social panic” or “anxiety amongst citizenry.” The series will examine Venezuela, China, and Saudi
February 15, 2017
Posted by: Jessica Beyer
A female pop band in Saudi Arabia recently released a new music video mocking men’s guardianship over women in the Arab nation. The video, named Hwages, or concerns, has garnered
January 31, 2017
Posted by: Jessica Beyer
Turkey and the U.S. have a long history of cooperation and Turkey’s geopolitical location makes it central to the U.S.’s Middle East policy. However, Turkey’s turn to authoritarianism, actions in the region, and the presence of Gulen in the U.S. has strained relations between the two countries.