Click here for Jewish Studies Courses – Winter 2016
Archaeology of Biblical Israel
I&S, Winter
NEAR E 311/ 511
MW 3:30-5:20 pm
Stephanie Selover
5 credits I&S
Beyond Comparison: the History of Early Judaism and Christianity
I&S, Winter
JSIS C 495/JSIS C 502
MW 2:30-4:20pm
Mika Ahuvia
5 credits I & S
Disability in Israel
I&S, Winter
JSIS C 489/ LSJ 491A / DIST ST 430B
MW 11:30am-1:20pm
Sagit Mor
5 credits I&S
Heroes, Heretics and Radicals: The beginnings of Judaism and Christianity
I&S, Winter
JSIS C 155
T Th 1:30-3:20pm
Mika Ahuvia
5 credits I & S
The Holocaust and American Life
I&S, W, Winter
JSIS C 337 / HSTAA 337
Tu Th 1:30-3:20pm
Susan Glenn
5 credits I & S / DIV
Jewish Cultural History
I&S, Winter
JSIS C 250 / HISTCMP 250
MW 1:30-3:20pm
Devin Naar
5 credits I & S
Jewish Life in Literature and Film
VLPA, Winter
NEAR E 317/ C LIT 357
TTH 1:30-3:20 pm
Naomi Sokoloff
5 credits VLPA
Jewish Women in Contemporary America: Activists for Social Justice
Diversity, I&S, Winter
JSIS C 438 / GWSS 438
TTH 10:30-12:20pm
Kathie Friedman
5 credits I&S/DIV
Prophecy in Judaism, Christianity and Islam
I&S, Winter
NEAR E 333/ 533
MW 4:00-5:20pm
Hamza Zafer
5 Credits I&S
Elementary Modern Hebrew II
VLPA, Winter
MODHEB 102 / 512
MW 9:30am-11:20am, F 9:30-10:20am
Hadar Khazzam-Horovitz
5 credits VLPA
Hebrew Conversation
I&S, VLPA, Winter
TTH 12:30-1:20pm
Tovi Romano
2 credits I&S/VLPA, credit/no credit only
Intermediate Modern Hebrew II
VLPA, Winter
MODHEB 202 / 522
TTH 9:30-11:20am, F 10:30-11:20am
Tovi Romano
5 credits VLPA
Inscriptions from Biblical Times
VLPA, Winter
BIBHEB 202 / 522
TTH 10:30-11:50
Gary Martin
5 credits VLPA