The Obama Administration proposed an ambitious and expensive nuclear modernization program to replace all legs of the Triad — submarines, ICBMs, and bombers — with a new system. The Trump Administration will need to decide whether to follow this or some other program. The Honorable John M. Deutch will describe how this decision should be approached that closely follows how Senator Jackson and Secretary Schlesinger would have proceeded.
Join us for a special evening in honor of the inauguration of the Henry M. Jackson/James R. Schlesinger Distinguished Visiting Lecture Series. With funding from the Jackson Foundation, The Henry M. Jackson/James Schlesinger Lecture Series supports a Distinguished Practitioner-in-Residence at the UW Jackson School of International Studies.
When: Thursday, March 9 2017, 7:30-9:00 p.m.
Where: Kane Hall (KNE), Walker Ames Room, University of Washington
This event is free and open to the public.
For more information contact: or 206.685.2534
About the speaker
John Deutch is currently an emeritus Institute Professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He served as Director of Central Intelligence from 1995 to 1996, where he was head of the Intelligence Community (all foreign intelligence agencies of the United States) and directed the Central Intelligence Agency. Prior, he served as the Deputy Secretary of Defense (1994-1995) and Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisitions and Technology (1993-1994). In the Carter Administration he served as Director of Energy Research and Undersecretary under Secretary of Energy James Schlesinger and was confirmed by the Senate on recommendation of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee chaired by Senator Henry M. “Scoop” Jackson. Deutch served as Dean of Science and Provost at MIT, and is widely published on technology, energy, international security, and public policy issues.

The Honorable John M. Deutch
What is the Jackson/Schlesinger Lecture Series?
With funding from the Jackson Foundation, The Henry M. Jackson/James R. Schlesinger Lecture Series supports a Distinguished Practitioner-in-Residence at the UW Jackson School of International Studies.
This event is sponsored by the Henry M. Jackson Foundation, the Henry M. Jackson School of International Studies and the Center for Global Studies at the University of Washington.
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