Dr. Lisa Sable Brown Fund

Rachel Castellano and Ryan Goehrung Research Human Trafficking

January 4, 2021

2020 Fellowship Recipients

June 16, 2020

2019 Fellowship Recipients

June 10, 2019

2019 UWCHR Fellowship Awardees

2018 Fellowship Recipients

May 25, 2018

2018 UWCHR Fellowship Awardees

Patrick Thomsen Compares Narratives of Gay Korean Men in Korea and Seattle

October 12, 2017

Patrick walking in the Daegu (South Korea) Queer Festival Pride Parade March. (To protect the identity of other marchers, their faces have been blurred out as it can affect employment and even family life.)

2017 Fellowship Recipients

May 31, 2017

Five UW students were awarded fellowships from the Center for Human Rights. From left to right: Sarah Dreier, Andre Stephens, Kelsey Armstrong-Hahn, and Angie Tamayo Montero. (Not pictured: Patrick Thomson)

Burcu Ege Builds Relationships with Young Palestinian Refugees in Jordan

September 4, 2016