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2019 Fellowship Recipients

2019 UWCHR Fellowship Awardees

June 10, 2019

The UW Center for Human Rights is proud to present six fellowships to students for their human rights work. The recipients, as pictured above (left to right):

Kelsey Gilman co-recipient of the 2019 Peter Mack and Jamie Mayerfeld Award. Kelsey, a former teacher, is interested in educational policy in multicultural societies. She will use the funds to travel to Ecuador this summer to conduct preliminary dissertation fieldwork examining the development of the Intercultural University of Indigenous Peoples and Nationalities of Ecuador Amawtay Wasi (Kichwa: “House of Wisdom”).

Francis Abugbilla co-recipient of the 2019 Peter Mack and Jamie Mayerfeld Award. Francis will travel to Cote d’Ivoire to conduct dissertation research examining the transitional justice processes and how they affect reconciliation after civil wars, through a case study of the interplay between restorative and retributive justice efforts in post-conflict Cote d’Ivoire since 2011.

Amelia Schwartz received the 2019 Dr. Lisa Sable Brown Award. Amelia Schwartz, a master’s student in Geography, plans to conduct summer research in the Pacific Northwest, deploying spatial mapping skills and ethnographic research to better understand the connections between water rights and Indigenous culture and sovereignty. An enrolled tribal member herself, she seeks to support the involvement of indigenous people in resource management and policy-making processes.

Satory Adams received the 2019  Abe Osheroff-Gunnel Clark Award. Satory is an undergraduate LSJ and Communications major. Since 2018 she has worked with the Community Justice Project to promote community-based restorative justice as a meaningful, effective alternative to mass incarceration and state violence. Support from the Fund will allow her to conduct a video project aimed at disrupting the false narrative that those harmed by crime are uniformly favor punitive responses, focusing instead on the need for healing and accountability.

Alejandra Puerto received the 2019 Benjamin Linder Justice Award. Transferred to UW this year from Skagit Valley College, Alejandra also brought her leadership skills with her! At Skagit she fought for the inclusion of Latinx students, founding the SVC Students for Higher Education, served as Secretary of Associated Students of SVC, Vice President of the SVC Red Group. At UW she organizes through MEChA and has helped spearhead a group of students working to support the families of those imprisoned in Nicaragua under the dictatorship of Daniel Ortega. Alejandra will support human rights research at the UW Center for Human Rights in the summer.

Wadii Boughdir (not pictured above) received the 2019 Jennifer Caldwell Award. Wadii Boughdir is pursuing a Master of Communication in Communities and Networks from the Department of Communications. Support from the fund will allow him to continue video storytelling to share the personal experiences of those impacted by deportations in our communities.