In films and animated movies, ninjas are invested with superhuman powers and exhibit impressive skills, but what about the ninjas who actually existed?
K-12 teachers participated in a workshop in conjunction with the Gardner Center for Asian Art and Ideas’ “Skills of the Ninja” lecture-presentation by Professor Yuji Yamada of Mie University.
Before Professor Yamada’s public presentation from 7:00 – 8:00 p.m., teachers attended a two-hour workshop with Kazumi Hasegawa, lecturer in modern Japanese history at the University of Washington, and the speaker, Professor Yuji Yamada. They provided some historical background and context for understanding the role and purpose of ninjas. The workshop also discussed relevant terminology and key events surrounding the emergence and influence of ninjas.
Thursday, May 5, 2016
5:00 – 7:00 p.m.
Seattle Asian Art Museum
- classroom materials
- 3 free OSPI clock hours
- light snacks
This workshop was offered free of charge by the East Asia Resource Center in conjunction with the Gardner Center for Asian Arts and Ideas at the Seattle Asian Art Museum. Funding comes from a Freeman Foundation grant in support of the National Consortium for Teaching about Asia.