Teaching Controversial Topics: Middle East, India and Pakistan
- Quarters: Spring
- General Education Requirements: I&S
This synchronous online course (with the option to meet in person) examines current and past topics that have shaped India, Pakistan, and the Middle East through specific lenses (e.g., J-Curve, nationalism, perversity, futility, etc.) that illuminate the context and content. This course is about pedagogy of controversial topics and introducing new content knowledge. Topics addressed include: India and Pakistan, Hindu nationalism, the rise and fall of populism in Pakistan, political Islam, Iraq War, Iran’s nuclear controversy, 1979 Iranian Revolution, the Israeli and Palestinian conflict, and poetry as the language of protest). You are encouraged to pursue your own research. If you are a teacher, you can consult with the instructor to design your own curriculum based on the latest Teacher Performance Assessment (TPA) and Washington State standards.