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W.A. Douglas Jackson Scholarship Fund

WA Douglas Jackson

October 1, 2003

The Douglas Jackson Canadian Studies Undergraduate Scholarship Fund was launched in Fall 2003 in celebration of Professor Jackson’s 80th birthday and to honor his founding of the Canadian Studies Center and his years of service to both the Center and the University of Washington.

The scholarship was first implemented during the 2004-05 academic year and recognizes undergraduate students for excellence in writing and for research on Canadian topics.

Donors to the Douglas Jackson Scholarship Fund

We would like to thank the following donors for helping to make a difference in the lives of students by encouraging international exploration and study:

On the occasion of Douglas Jackson’s Memorial, 2009:

Elizabeth Hudson Boba
John David Courtney
Nadine Fabbi
Linda J. Gould
Philip P. Micklin
Joel Migdal

On the occasion of Professor Jackson’s 80th Birthday, 2003:

Jere Bacharach
Herbert and Karen Berry
Michael and Julie Bittner
Kathleen Braden
Linda Di Biase, in memory of Winifred JonesĀ Popp
Nadine Fabbi
Douglas K. Fleming
Donald Hellmann
Beth Janis
Richard Johnson
Richard and Teresa Jones
George and Kayoko Kakiuchi
Irene Landry Kelso
Lynn Klausenburger
George and Joanne MacDonald
Cynthia and Mitch McGowan
Robert and Marilyn Monahan
Peter Haynes Meserve
Dvorah Oppenheimer
Karl and Geri Potter
Mary Pullen
Carol Rush
Mitchell Stern
Michael and Linda Talbott
Elsie M. Taylor
Joan M. Whiley