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The Arctic Council at Twenty, November 2015

November 28, 2015

The Arctic Council at Twenty: Founding Visionaries (13 min.), November 2015

This 13-minute video captures the perspectives of three of the early visionaries of the Arctic Council. The video entitled The Arctic Council at Twenty: Founding Visionaries includes Rosemarie Kuptana, former president of the Inuit Circumpolar Council; Franklyn Griffiths, Political Science, University of Toronto; and, Oran Young, Bren School of Environmental Science and Management, University of California, Santa Barbara. This discussion was part of the Arctic Council at Twenty symposium held at the University of Washington on 20 November 2015.

The Canadian Studies Center/Arctic and International Relations in the Henry M. Jackson School of International Studies at the University of Washington (UW), the Korea Maritime Institute, and UW’s Future of Ice initiative hosted the all-day symposium entitled The Arctic at Twenty: Permanent Participants, Arctic Policy in Canada and the United States, and Stewardship. The participants included those who played a role in the founding of the Arctic Council, representatives from the Permanent Participant organizations, scholars, and government representatives. Over 20 experts reflected on the almost 20-year history of the Arctic Council, its influence on Arctic policy in North America, and future options concerning the role of the Arctic Council in international affairs.

This video production was made possible by a grant from the UW College of Arts and Sciences.

The Arctic Council at Twenty: A Permanent Participant Perspective  (13 min.), November 2015

This 13-minute video captures the perspectives of three of the heads of the Permanent Participant organizations on the Arctic Council. The video entitled The Arctic Council at Twenty: A Permanent Participant Perspective includes Jim Gamble, Executive Director, Aleut International Association; Joe Linklater, Chairperson, Gwich’in Council International; and, Chief Michael Stickman, International Chair of the Arctic Athabaskan Council. This discussion was part of the Arctic Council at Twenty symposium held at the University of Washington on 20 November 2015.

The Canadian Studies Center/Arctic and International Relations in the Henry M. Jackson School of International Studies at the University of Washington (UW), the Korea Maritime Institute, and UW’s Future of Ice initiative hosted the all-day symposium entitled The Arctic at Twenty: Permanent Participants, Arctic Policy in Canada and the United States, and Stewardship. The participants included those who played a role in the founding of the Arctic Council, representatives from the Permanent Participant organizations, scholars, and government representatives. Over 20 experts reflected on the almost 20-year history of the Arctic Council, its influence on Arctic policy in North America, and future options concerning the role of the Arctic Council in international affairs.

This video production was made possible by a grant from the UW College of Arts and Sciences.