Francisco Ibanez-Carrasco, Ontario HIV Treatment Network, David Brennan, University of Toronto and Charles Emlet, University of Washington Tacoma
Charles Emlet, Professor of Social Work at the University of Washington Tacoma and Canadian colleagues from the University of Toronto, Ryerson University and the Ontario HIV Treatment Network presented initial results from their study on older adults living with HIV in Ontario at the 20th Annual Canadian Conference on HIV/AIDS Research, held in Toronto, Ontario, in April.
The poster session entitled Protective and risk factors associated with HIV stigma in a population of older adults living with HIV, examined factors associated with increased stigma among 377 adults, 50 years of age and older, that are enrolled in the Ontario HIV Treatment Network Cohort Study. This research is funded by a grant from the Government of Canada (Emlet, PI) as well as a grant to Dr. David Brennan, Assistant Professor, Factor-Inwentash Faculty of Social work at the University of Toronto from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada. Additional presentations and publications from the results of this research are expected in the coming months.
This program was supported, in part, by a Faculty Research Grant from the Government of Canada.