The UW “gang” including Sion Romaine (back, left) Canadian Studies Librarian, and Pamela Sing, University of Alberta and 2008-09 Canada-US Fulbright Scholar at the UW.
Natalie Debray, former FLAS fellow, and now a lecturer with Communication, was the plenary speaker for the Québec Government breakfast along with Nicolas Bérubé from La Presse.
Kate Dunsmore (doctoral in Communication 2008), won the Distinguished Dissertation from the Association for Canadian Studies in the U.S. for her thesis, “Mediating Alliance: The Role of the Press in Sustaining Reciprocity in the U.S.-Canada Relationship.” Kate is now an Assistant Professor at Fairleigh Dickinson University. Patrick James (far left) is the outgoing president of ACSUS. Doug Nord is incoming president.
Nadine Fabbi, Canadian Studies Center, presented on the panel, “Politics and Policies in the Arctic” with Gary Wilson (far right), University of Northern British Columbia. The Honourable Larry Bagnell, MP, PC for the Yukon, was discussant.
Stan de Mello (far left), Social Work, and two of his graduate students, Morna McEacheran and Quentin Red Eagle Smith, presented a panel entitled, “Social Work across the 49th Parallel.”