Originally posted: April 2011
Tina Storer, Education and Curriculum Specialist at Western Washington University’s Center for Canadian-American Studies, and Cynthia Carlisle, K-12 STUDY CANADA Teacher Associate from South Carolina, exhibited materials on behalf of both National Resource Centers on Canada to educators attending the National Council for History Education conference in Charleston, South Carolina on March 31-April 2, 2011.
Over 100 educators received a set of resources from each National Resource Center to assist them in teaching about Canada and were informed about the professional development workshops available in the summer. Forty educators from 19 states and 1 province (AZ, CA, FL, GA, IA, IL, KY, LA, MA, MI, MS, NC, NV, OH, OK, PA, SC, UT, VT and AB) showed significant interest in learning even more and signed up to join the Canada Listserv to receive regular e-resource news written by Tina Storer. Many of these teachers indicated an interest in registering for the summer institutes as well. Each National Resource Center also contributed two books as giveaways for prize drawings at the end of the conference to establish further interest in making connections to Canada in US history classrooms.
Exhibiting National Resource Center resources and networking with the US history teachers who attended the National Council for History Education conference encouraged to educators to include stronger connections to Canada in their classrooms. The take-away materials and sign-ups for the “Canada Listserv” will lead to increased visits to National Resource Center websites (rich with content, curriculum and resources) as well as registrations to both National Resource Center summer institutes.