Donat Savoie (3rd from left) with Elisapi and UW students following his roundtable presentation and discussion entitled, “Inuit Self-Government in the Canadian Arctic: The Creation of the Nunavik Regional Government – Innovation and Challenges” at the Burke Museum.
Elisapi and Donat meet with Judy Guthrie from United Indians of All Tribes to discuss ways to involve the Seattle American Indian community in next year’s Nunavik Symposium.
Donat and Elisapi meet with Professor, American Indian Studies, Dian Million, also Affiliated Faculty with the Center, to compare child and family welfare in the US and Arctic Québec.
Special guests from Québec, Elisapi Novalinga, Avataq Cultural Centre (center left) and Donat Savoie, former Chief Federal Negotiator for Nunavik (far right) visit the Center to establish ties between UW students and faculty and the communities of Nunavik. They are welcomed by Tim Pasch, 2008-09 FLAS Fellow and Center’s Nadine Fabbi.
The Planning Committee for the Nunavik Symposium 2009 meet with Donat and Elisapi to discuss their next visit. From left, Carl Sander, Burke Museum; Doug Nord, Western Washington University; Donat Savoie; Augustine McCaffery, UW Graduate School; Naama Sheffer, undergraduate in International Studies; Robert Anderson, UW Law School; Julie Sloan, Canadian Consulate, Seattle; Terry Rustan Program on the Environment; Elisapi Novalinga; and Tim Pasch, 2008-09 FLAS Fellow in Inuktitut. Dan Hart, Center Chair, and Nadine Fabbi chaired the meeting.
Elisapi meets with new friends from Alaska following her roundtable presentation/discussion entitled, “Preserving Inuit Culture and Language – the Avataq Cultural Institute in Nunavik, Québec.”
Elisapi and Curator of Native American Art, Burke Museum and Professor of Art History, Robin Wright (also Affiliated Faculty with the Center) meet to view the Burke collections including ten carvings from Puvirnituq, Nunavik, Elisapi’s home village.– Issues Concerning the Nuu-chah-nulth and the Makah People’s Right to Whale.”
Elisapi and Donat meet with Center Chair, Daniel Hart, to discuss UW’s aboriginal documentary filmmaking program, Native Voices.