Winter quarter, I was fortunate enough to go on a field study trip for my task force. The group traveled to Quebec and Ottawa where we met with scholars, scientists, and Inuit to develop our understanding of current situations in the Arctic region. The class report was focused on contemporary human security in regards to Arctic resource development and governance. During our trip I was ignited with a passion to further explore Canada and continue learning about the effects of climate change and government resettlement on human security in the region. To continue focusing on indigenous perceptions and values in the Arctic, I applied for the Killam Fellowship.
It is such a great opportunity for personal and academic growth. While studying at Carleton University in Ottawa I hope to get involved with a few local organizations we visited on the trip. I am considering volunteering at Projets Auchtochtones du Québec, a partnership program with Makivik Corporation that helps urban Inuit get in touch with resources available to them. Our trip to Ottawa and Quebec made me realize that I would never be done learning through travel, never could my education lack in experience, and always would my perceptions be dictated by the cultures and national identities that I immerse myself in- I couldn’t be happier to delve into this experience!