Nadine Fabbi, Canadian Studies Center, and Thierry Rodon, Department of Political Science, L’Université Laval, co-edited a special issue of the American Review of Canadian Studies called Makippugut (We Are Standing Up): Public Policy and Self-Determination in Nunavik (vol. 47, no. 2). Published in June 2017, the special issue addresses the dynamic policy dialogue currently taking place between the Government of Québec and the Nunavimmiut (Inuit in Nunavik). This dialogue has been initiated primarily by the Inuit in an effort to maintain their political, territorial, economic, and cultural rights. The volume is the outcome of a meeting held at the University of Washington in the spring of 2015, which was funded by a grant from the Government of Québec. Topics include the history of the Québec–Nunavik relationship, the redefining of sustainable development by the Inuit, urban Inuit mobility in Montréal, and researcher–subject relations in the health care system.
Nadine and Thierry wish to thank the following authors for their insights and dedication to this volume: Jean-François Arteau, Kesserwan Arteau; Robert Bone, University of Saskatchewan; Eric Finke, Eric W. Finke Mediation and Facilitation for Environment and Natural Resources; Christopher Fletcher, L’Université Laval; Caroline Hervé, L’Université Laval; Mark Watson, Concordia University; and Gary Wilson, University of Northern British Columbia.