The Future of Ice lecture series continued on January 16, 2014 as Tony Penikett presented his talk, “Artic Insecurities: Arctic Population, Northern Security Issues, and Emerging Forms of Governance.” Penikett is the 2013-14 UW Fulbright Canada Visiting Chair in Arctic Studies and taught a course with the same title fall quarter.
Penikett described himself as more of a “practitioner than a scholar” and drew on his vast experience in the Canadian Arctic to discuss everything from indigenous land rights, to how pop culture depictions of the Arctic influence law makers, to who decides how and how much northerners can benefit from natural resources.
The Future of Ice lecture series featured talents and special guests of all fields and studies. James Balog, photographer and founder of Extreme Ice Survey, presented the previous lecture before Penikett’s, “When Mountains Move,” on January 8. The lecture after Penikett’s was presented by Jody W. Deming, Walters endowed professor in the UW’s School of Oceanography, on February 6, 2014. Dr. Deming presented her talk, “Living in Sea Ice—It’s a Wonderful Life!” and examined the significance of microscopic life forms that live inside the ice and discuss what these organisms mean for life on other planets.
The Future of Ice lecture series is sponsored by The Graduate School, UW Almuni Association, College of the Environment, Canadian Studies Center at the Henry M. Jackson School of International Studies, Polar Science Center at the Applied Physic Laboratory, Quaternary Research Center, Office of Minority Affairs and Diversity, Department of American Indian Studies, Department of Communication, and School of Art Photomedia Department.