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Former Fulbright Chair in Arctic Studies publishes new book!

August 18, 2017

2017PenikettBookTony Penikett, UW 2013-2014 Fulbright Canada Chair in Arctic Studies published his new book, Hunting the Northern Character this  year! Tony began his research for the book during his fulbright stay at UW in 2013-2014 where he was one of the first visiting instructors to teach UW students on the Arctic and participated in the Future of Ice Initiative lecture series.

Canadian politicians, like many of their circumpolar counterparts, brag about their country’s “Arctic identity” or “northern character,” but what do they mean, exactly? Stereotypes abound … but these southern perspectives fail to capture northern realities. In this passionate, deeply personal account of modern developments in the Canadian North, Tony Penikett corrects confused and outdated notions of a region he became fascinated with as a child and for many years called home.

During decades of service as a legislator, mediator, and negotiator, Penikett bore witness to the advent of a new northern consciousness. Out of sight of New Yorkers, and far from the minds of Copenhagen’s citizens, Indigenous and non-Indigenous leaders came together to forge new Arctic realities as they dealt with the challenges of the Cold War, climate change, land rights struggles, and the boom and bust of resource megaprojects.

This lively account of their struggles and accommodations not only retraces the footsteps of Penikett’s personal hunt for a northern identity but also tells the story of an Arctic that the world does not yet know. This book will appeal to anyone interested in the North, whether student or scholar, northern or southerner, concerned citizen or policy maker.

Release date, 15 November 2017.