“The Faces of Quebec: Two Days of Music and Lectures,” co-sponsored by Canadian Studies and the Portland Center for Public Humanities at Portland State University (PSU)
Between September 25 and 27, 2012, a group of academics, industry representatives, and government officials went on a tour of land border and marine port facilities in British Columbia.
Arctic consultant Terry Fenge visited the UW campus and led a provocative roundtable discussion on the Arctic Council.
NCSS President J Moore speaks at the 92nd Annual National Council for the Social Studies Conference in Seattle
Yan Cimon, Canada’s Fulbright Visiting Chair in Innovation (l’Université Laval) with Wes Kovarik, Law & International Studies, and graduate affiliate of Canadian Studies.
Amy Sotherden, Center for the Study of Canada/Institute on Québec Studies, State University of New York College at Plattsburgh presents on her 10-day visit to Nunavik, Canada in 2009.
From left to right: Brenda Ball (B.C.S.S.T.A. Board Member and Social Studies Chair at Crofton House School – Vancouver, BC); Joy Kogawa (renowned author of the award-winning novel Obasan); and Tina Storer (Conference Co-Chair and WWU Center for Canadian-American Studies’ Education and Curriculum Specialist) at Kogawa’s “Conversation with an Author” session.
FLAS Fellow Kevin Kirkpatrick
Timothy Pasch, FLAS fellow in Inuktitut.
Morna McEachern, Social Work, is currently serving as secretary of the executive board of the Association for Canadian Studies in the United States (ACSUS)
Sixteen educators, representing eight states, attended the pre-NCSS clinic, “Who Owns the Arctic?” held at the Consulate General of Canada, Seattle.
Tamara Leonard (right), Associate Director the Global Studies Center in the Henry M. Jackson School of International Studies with Wendy Sue Fitzhenry, Trinity Lutheran School, and one of this year’s JSIS First-Timer Fellows.
Anne Goodchild joins a group of academics, industry representatives, and government officials on a tour of land border and marine port facilities in British Columbia
Natalie Debray, speaks at Portland State University; her lecture titled, “Language, Media and Cultural Identity: A View From Quebec”
Jeff Taylor, teacher at Cleveland High School in Seattle, is one of the recipients of the National Council for Social Studies (NCSS) First-Timer Scholarship