Please see below for an archived listing of faculty contributions to Canadian Studies by academic year.
Abramson, Daniel, Paper Presentation, “Chinatown: The Role of Global Networks in the Preservation of Historic Diasporic Communities” (addressing comparative Canadian-US perspectives on opportunities for engaging Chinatown communities in heritage preservation), panel “Renewed Vision for Chinatown: Respecting the Past, Planning for the Future,” Chinatown and Beyond Conference, Simon Fraser University Harbour Centre, Vancouver, British Columbia, 14 May 2009.
Abramson, Daniel, Facilitator, visit to Seattle’s Chinatown-International District by a joint Canadian-Singaporean student group led by Professor Henry Yu, University of British Columbia’s History Department, and Professor Belinda Yuen, National University of Singapore, Department of Real Estate and the School of Design and Environment.
Abramson, Daniel and Manish Chalana, Cross-Border Course Grant, “Joint Program between UW Department of Urban Design and Planning and the University of British Columbia’s School of Architecture,” field course to Canada, Canadian Studies Center, $1,500, Spring 2009.
Banks, Cherry, “A Comparative View of Diversity in the United States and Canada,” Social Education, National Council for the Social Studies, Volume 72, Number 6, October 2008.
Coté, Charlotte, Paper Presentation, “The Cultural, Social and Dietary Importance of Putting Whale Back on our Dinner Tables: The Revitalization of Makah (US) and Nuu-chah-nulth (Canada) Whaling,” 7th International Conference on Arts and Humanities, Honolulu, Hawaii, 9-12 January 2009.
Coté, Charlotte, Lecture, “Aboriginal Sovereignty Issues in Canada and the US,” FISH 439/ENVIR 439/PBAF 595 Attaining a Sustainable Society, University of Washington, 28 April 2009.
Debray, Natalie, Paper Presentation, “Ritualizing Champlain: Media Analysis of the 400-Year Anniversary of Québec and the Implications for International Relations, Cultural Legacy, and the Creation of Collective Memory,” Biennial Association for Canadian Studies in the United States-in-Canada Colloquium: Québec and Canada – 400 Years of Challenges, Québec City, Québec, 13-16 November 2008.
de Mello, Stan, Lecture, “Multicultralism and First Nations: Perspectives on Social Policy Across the 49th Parallel,” with Morna MacEachern and Quentin Red Eagle Smith, in Janice Laakso’s course, TSOCWF 425: Comparative Social Policy, University of Washington, Tacoma, Tacoma, WA, 20 May 2009.
de Mello, Stan, Center Representative, Pacific Northwest Canadian Studies Consortium Annual General Meeting, Portland State University, Portland, Oregon, 31 January 2009.
de Mello, Stan and Morna McEachern, Cross-Border Course Grant, “SOC WF 405/415: Social Work Across the 49th Parallel: Exploring the Ties that Bind Us,” field course to Canada, Canadian Studies Center, Winter 2009, $1,500.
England, Kim, with Kate Boyer, “Gender, Work and Technology in the Information Workplace: From Typewriters to ATMs,” Social and Cultural Geography, 9:3, 2008: 241-256.
Fabbi, Nadine, “Inuktut Uqausiit (Inuit Languages) in Canada – History and Contemporary Developments,” written for the Arctic Indigenous Languages Symposium, Sustainable Development Working Group, Arctic Council, coordinated by the Inuit Circumpolar Council (Canada), and hosted by the Saami Council, Norway, October 2008,
Fabbi, Nadine, Editor, “Special Section on Canada,” Social Education, National Council for the Social Studies, Volume 72, Number 6, October 2008.
Fabbi, Nadine, “The Northwest Passage” K-12 STUDY CANADA, University of Washington and Western Washington University, Fall 2008.
Fabbi, Nadine, Expert Consultant, Igloo, Pebble Plus Look Inside series, Capstone Press, Mankato, Minnesota, 2008.
Fabbi, Nadine, Certificate of Merit, International Council for Canadian Studies, Ottawa, spring 2009.
Fabbi, Nadine, Program Enhancement Grant, Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada, $17,000, 2008-09.
Fabbi, Nadine, Study-in-Canada Grant, “SIS 495C Task Force on Arctic Sovereignty,” to take 13 students to Ottawa for a week, Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada, $17,000, Winter Quarter 2009.
Fabbi, Nadine, Lecture, “The Inuit and Foreign Policy: Climate Change, Human Rights and Arctic Sovereignty,” course lecture, FISH 439/ENVIR 439/PBAF 595 Attaining a Sustainable Society, University of Washington, 19 May 2009.
Fabbi, Nadine, Panel Chair/Paper Presentation, “Crossing Boundaries – the World from a Circumpolar Perspective,” Title VI 50th Anniversary Conference, US Department of Education’s International Education Programs Service, Hyatt Regency Washington on Capital Hill, Washington, DC, 19-21 March 2009.
Fabbi, Nadine, Lecture, “Inuit History in Canada and the 2010 Olympic Logo,” A Borderlands Society? Building Knowledge and Understanding about Canada and Canada-US Relations, Educator Seminar, Minnesota Humanities Center and the Consulate General of Canada Minneapolis, St. Paul, Minnesota, 9-10 March 2009.
Fabbi, Nadine, Lecture, “The Maple Leaf, the Beaver, and the Loonie: Using Symbols to Understand the Culture of Canada,” A Borderlands Society? Building Knowledge and Understanding about Canada and Canada-US Relations, Educator Seminar, Minnesota Humanities Center and the Consulate General of Canada Minneapolis, St. Paul, Minnesota, 9-10 March 2009.
Fabbi, Nadine, Guest Lecture, “Ilanaaq – from the Olymic Logo to Canada’s Next Maple Leaf?,” COM 495 Québec Media and Culture, University of Washington, 20 November 2008.
Fabbi, Nadine, Faculty Mentor, “Task Force on Arctic Sovereignty and Governance,” by International Studies seniors, Kristen Olson, Naama Sheffer, Gustaf Andreasen, Stephen Printz, Andrew Schwartz, Alison McKay, Marta Schwendeman, Julia Troutt, April Nishimura, 12th Annual UW Undergraduate Research Symposium, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington, 15 May 2009.
Gallucci, Vincent, Faculty Mentor, “Task Force on Arctic Sovereignty and Governance,” by International Studies seniors, Kristen Olson, Naama Sheffer, Gustaf Andreasen, Stephen Printz, Andrew Schwartz, Alison McKay, Marta Schwendeman, Julia Troutt, April Nishimura, 12th Annual UW Undergraduate Research Symposium, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington, 15 May 2009.
Gallucci, Vincent, Panelist, “Environment and Natural Resource Issues in the Arctic,” Arctic Sovereignty: Cold Facts, Hot Issues Symposium, Southwestern School of Law, Los Angeles, California, 3 October 2008.
Glassman, Debra, Public Lecture, “Canada-US Exchange Rates, the Global Exchange Rate System and Foreign Currency Risk Solutions,” Canada-America Society, Seattle, 12 August 2008.
Goodchild, Anne, Faculty Mentor, “The Viability of Shipping Through the Arctic: An Analysis of Risks and Risk Management for Shipping Lines,” by Naama Sheffer, International Studies, Mary Gates Scholar, 12th Annual UW Undergraduate Research Symposium, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington, 15 May 2009.
Harmon, Alexandra, The Power of Promises: Rethinking Pacific Northwest Indian Treaties, University of Washington Press: Seattle, Washington, 2008.
Hart, Daniel, Paper Presentation, “The Indigenous World,” Title VI 50th Anniversary Conference, US Department of Education’s International Education Programs Service, Hyatt Regency Washington on Capital Hill, Washington, DC, 19-21 March 2009.
Henry, Annette, Paper Presentation, “Taking Space: Reflections on 20 Years of Black Feminist Research” (discussion of work with teachers in Canada and the US), Center for Identity and Education, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia, 12 February 2009.
Henry, Annette, Paper Presentation, “The Politics and Pedagogy of Multiculturalism” (comparative multicultural discourse in Canada and the US), American Association for the Advancement of Curriculum Studies, San Diego, CA, 12 April 2009.
Henry, Annette, Paper Presentation, “Notes from an Anti-Multiculturalist” (how multiculturalism is being reshaped by other diversity theories in Canada and the US), International Symposium on Multicultural Education, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia, 20 April 2009.
Henry, Annette, Research Grant, “Instructional Inquiries in Multiracial, Multicultural Toronto Classrooms,” for research travel, Canadian Studies Center, $1,000, Spring 2009.
Hinckley, Thomas and Joshua Tewksbury (Forest Resources) Course Development Grant, “Conservation of Living Systems: Transboundary Course,” for fall 2009 course, Canadian Studies Center, $1,500, Spring 2009.
Jegatheesan, Brinda, Public Lecture, “Critical Issues in Childrearing Practices and Adaptation in Immigrant and Refugee Families in Canada,” Summer College Lecture Series, Shoreline Community College, Shoreline, Washington, 18 August 2008.
Kaczinski, Vlad, “Present and Future of the Arctic Energy Resources Use: Environmental, Economic and Policy Considerations” and, “The Arctic Era: Impact of Major Changes on Management and International Relations” (both papers including Canada-Korea relations in the Arctic), International Symposium: Blue Economy Initiative for Green Growth, Korean Maritime Institute in cooperation with Korean Ocean Development and Research Institute, Seoul, Korea, 7 May 2009.
Kashima, Tetsuden, James D. Clowes Award for the Advancement of Learning Communities, Office of Undergraduate Academic Affairs, University of Washington, 2009.
Laakso, Janice, Programming Grant, “Canada-US Social Policy Differences,” for a university/general public lecture, $1,000, Spring 2009.
Laakso, Janice, Distinguished Teaching Award, Office of Undergraduate Academic Affairs, University of Washington, 2008-09.
Laakso, Janice, Teacher of the Year Award, University of Washington, Tacoma, 2008-09.
Taylor D., Carol Leppa and N. Woods, “Women as Health Care Providers,” in Women’s Health Care in Advanced Practice, eds. C. Fogel and N. Woods, New York: Springer Publishing Company, 2008.
Oberle, Mark, Paper Presentation, “Circumpolar Health Issues,” Title VI 50th Anniversary Conference, US Department of Education’s International Education Programs Service, Hyatt Regency Washington on Capital Hill, Washington, DC, 19-21 March 2009.
Paun, Dorothy, Presentation, “US-Canada Fulbright Distinguished Chair Award and Visiting Professorship at the University of British Columbia” (discussion of Fulbright experience), Western Hemisphere Fulbright Executive Directors Annual Meeting, Vancouver, British Columbia, 19 May 2009.
Paun, Dorothy, Research Poster, in conjunction with graduate students, Robb Schmitt, Liz Tran, and Katie Fulkerson, “Resource Consumption, Resource Conservation, and Environmental Externalities: A 12 Country Analysis of the Forest Products, Chemicals, and Energy Industries” (including analysis included Canadian corporations), 2009 Washington Pulp and Paper Foundation in Seattle, Washington, 28 May 2009.
Paun, Dorothy, Faculty Mentor, “A Comparison of Environmental Stewardship and Social Responsibility in Europe and North America,” by Elizabeth Tran, Senior, Environmental Science Resource Management, 12th Annual UW Undergraduate Research Symposium, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington, 15 May 2009.
Romaine, Siôn, Center Representative, Biennial Association for Canadian Studies in the United States-in-Canada Colloquium: Québec and Canada – 400 Years of Challenges, Québec City, Québec, 13-16 November 2008.
Robinson-Dorn, Michael, Fellow, International Canadian Summer Institute, Pacific Northwest Canadian Studies Consortium, Summer 2009.
Robinson-Dorn, Michael, Law, Clinical Legal Education Association’s award for Excellence in a Public Interest Case, for a project undertaken by The Kathy and Steve Berman Environmental Law Clinic on the Exxon Valdez reopener, 2008-09.
Robinson-Dorn, Michael, Panelist, “Environment and Natural Resource Issues in the Arctic,” Arctic Sovereignty: Cold Facts, Hot Issues Symposium, Southwestern School of Law, Los Angeles, California, 3 October 2008.
Romaine, Siôn, Library Support Program Grant, International Council for Canadian Studies, $2,400, 2008-09.
Shelton, Greg, Programming Grant, “Arctic Sovereignty: the International Dispute over Who Owns the Arctic,” Canadian Studies Center, to support a four-part international lecture series, $1,200, Winter 2009.
Thompson, Jack, Respondent, “Re-Imagining Health – What We Can Learn from Canada,” 4th Annual Canadian Studies Graduate Student Symposium, University of Washington, 17 April 2009.
Wagner, Fritz, “Cultural Context of Urban Planning and Design,” Université Laval, Québec City, Québec, March 2009.
Wright, Mary, “Spirit Rocks: Histories Spoken and Stolen,” 2009 Plateau Conference(includes Plateau peoples and First Nations in Canada), sponsored by the Plateau Center for American Indian Studies, Washington State University, 11-13 May 2009
Michael Allen and Mary L. Hanneman, Frontiers of Western History: The Origins, Evolution, and Future of Western History, 2nd ed. (Needham Heights: Simon and Schuster Custom Publications), 2007.
Cherry McGee Banks, Worthington Distinguished Professor, Washington State Association for Multicultural Education, 2007.
Cherry McGee Banks and James A. Banks, “Democracy, Diversity, and Citizenship Education in Global Times,” Inaugural Faculty Diversity Research Lecture, University of Washington Libraries and University of Washington Diversity Research Institute, University of Washington, Seattle, 20 February 2008.
Branden Born, “Sustainable Cities, Food, and Neighborhoods: Do They Relate?,” Panelist, City Green Building, Transformational Lecture Series, BetterBricks, Cascadia Region Green Building Council, City of Seattle Department of Planning and Development, University of Washington Canadian Studies Center and University of Washington International Studies, Seattle City Hall, 21 February 2008.
Stan de Mello, “First Nations Social Work Policy and Practice Across the 49th parallel: Part II,” Discussant, Toronto, Ontario, Canada: Exemplar for the 21st Century, Association for Canadian Studies in the United States 19th Biennial Meeting. Association for Canadian Studies in the United States, Westin Harbour Castle, Toronto, 16 November 2007.
Natalie Debray, “If These Ships Could Talk: Jacques Cartier, Cultural Capital and Quebec’s Quest for Independence: a Comparative Media Analysis of the 450th Anniversary of the ‘Discussantovery’ of Canada,” Conference paper, Toronto, Ontario, Canada: Exemplar for the 21st Century. Association for Canadian Studies in the United States 19th Biennial Meeting, Association for Canadian Studies in the United States, Westin Harbour Castle, Toronto, 16 November 2007.
Denyse Delcourt, “New Books from Green Integer,” Book Reading from Gabrielle and the Long Sleep into Mourning (Los Angeles: Green Integer, 2007), &Now Festival. Chapman University, Orange, 16 April 2008.
Nadine Fabbi, “Inuktitut in Canada – History and New Innovative Developments,” Web resource materials, Arctic Indigenous Languages Symposium, Arctic Council’s Sustainable Development Working Group, ( Norway, October 2008.
Nadine Fabbi, Program Enhancement Grant, Foreign Affairs, Canada, $16,500.
Nadine Fabbi, Wilburforce Foundation, Center Course Development Grant, $5,000.
Benjamin Fitzhugh, “Human and Environmental Dynamics at Cape Krusenstern National Monument,” $204,532, 2007-2008.
David Fluharty, “Realizing EBM Through IEA and Regional Collaboration in the US,” FIS/MEQ Workshop, The changing North Pacific: Previous patterns, future projections, and ecosystem impacts, 16th Annual Meeting of the North Pacific Marine Science Organization, Victoria Conference Center, Victoria, 26 October 2007.
Alexandre M. Aires-da-Silva and Vincent F. Gallucci, “Demographic and risk analyses applied to management and conservation of the blue shark (Prionace glauca) in the North Atlantic Ocean,” Marine and Freshwater Research 58, no. 6 (2007): 570-580.
Vincent F Gallucci, Working Group, re-building plan for the endangered basking shark in the Georgia Basin, Canadian Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Vancouver, British Columbia, Fall 2007.
Goodchild, Anne, “A Container Terminal at the Port of Prince Rupert: Considerations from a Transportation Perspective,” Conference Paper, Ports, Politics and the Pacific Gateway: Consequences for Regional Development in Western Canada, 4th Annual Steelhead Symposium, Prince Rupert, University of Northern British Columbia, 14 September 2007.
Susan Albrecht, Steven Globerman, and Anne Goodchild, “Service Time Variability at the Blaine, Washington, International Border Crossing and the Impact on Regional Supply Chains,” Research Report No. 3 (Bellingham: Border Policy Research Institute), June 2007.
Anne Goodchild and Gary Wilson, “Prince Rupert – the New Pacific Gateway for Canada,” Paper Presentation, Pacific Northwest Canadian Studies Consortium Annual General Meeting, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, 1 February 2008.
Mark Hallenbeck, Truck Traffic Monitoring on Low-Volume Roads, Innovating to Meet User’s Needs, Keynote Address, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, 10 October 2007.
Sharon Hargus, National Science Foundation Grant, Documenting Endangered Languages Program, “Athabaskan Personal Histories of Climate Change in Alaska and Canada,” 2007-2010, $250,000.
Alexandra Harmon, ed., The Power of Promises: Rethinking Indian Treaties in the Pacific Northwest (Seattle: University of Washington Press), 2008.
Annette Henry, “Case Studies of Canadian Women Teachers,” Panelist, Reclaiming Culturally Relevant and Responsive Pedagogy: Historical Dimensions and Future Directions, American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, Sheraton New York Hotel & Towers, Central Park West, New York, 24 March 2008.
Marc Hershman, “Recent Developments in Oceans Agenda Implementation in the US – the Joint Ocean Commission Initiative (JOCI) and the Pacific Coastal Collaboration,.” Conference paper, Canadian Ocean Management Research, ( Ottawa, October 2007.
Ray Hilborn, Associate Editor, Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 2007.
Ray Hilborn, “Managing fisheries is managing people: what has been learned,” Fish and Fisheries 8, no. 4 (2007): 285-296.
Sara Breslow, Emma Flores, Steven Harrell, Thomas Hinckley, and Regan Smith, “Building interdisciplinary and cross-cultural awareness in conducting environment research: Use of Canada-US transboundary experiences,” Panelist, Ecological Society of America/Society for Restoration Energy Joint Annual Meeting, San Jose McEnery Convention Center, San Jose, 9 August 2007.
Thomas Hinckley, “Community Impacts of Climate Change: Public Health and the Environment,” Panelist, Focus the Nation: Global Warming Solutions for the Nation, University of Washington, Seattle, 31 January 2008.
Thomas Hinckley, David R.M. Scott Endowed Professorship, Weyerhaeuser, $250,000.
Sara Breslow, Julie Combs, Emma Flores, Adam Freeburg, Steven Harrell, Thomas Hinckley, Joanne Ho, Joyce LeCompte-Mastenbrooke, Eric Nassau, Alicia Robbins, Haldre Rogers, Patrick Shamberger, and Lauren Urgenson, “MCCE IGERT: An Experiment in International Interdisciplinary Graduate Education,” Panelist, New Humanities and Science Convergences III: The Greening of the Disciplines, 88th Annual Meeting, American Association for the Advancement of Science, Pacific Division, Boise State University, Boise, 18 June 2007.
Brinda Jegatheesan and R. Stake, Access, A Zone of Comprehension and Intrusion (Advances in Program Evaluation Series) (London: Emerald Group Publishing Limited), 2008.
Aaron Katz, “Lessons for Re-entry: Maximizing the Impact of Leadership Training Back Home,” Leadership: Impact, Culture, and Sustainability. International Leadership Association 9th Annual Global Conference, Sheraton Wall Centre, Vancouver, 2 November 2007.
Ruth Ludwin and Coll Thrush, “Finding Fault: Indigenous Seismology, Colonial Science, and the Rediscovery of Earthquakes and Tsunamis in Cascadia, American Indian Culture and Research Journal 31, no. 4 (2007): 1-24.
Ruth Ludwin and Gregory J. Smits, “Folklore and earthquakes: Native American oral traditions from Cascadia compared with written traditions from Japan,” In Myth and Geology, edited by L. Piccardi and W. Bruce Masse, 67-94 (London: Geological Society), 2007.
Shelly Lundberg, “The Empirical Content of Household Bargaining Models,” “State of the Art” lecture, Canadian Economic Association 41st Annual Meeting, Dalhousie University, Halifax, 3 June 2007.
Michael Robinson-Dorn, “The Politics and Ethics of Finding Solutions,” Panelist, Focus the Nation: Global Warming Solutions for the Nation, University of Washington, Seattle, 31 January 2008.
Sion Romaine, Library Support Program Grant, Foreign Affairs, Canada, $2,000.
Jack Thompson, Third Annual Population Health and Cross-Border Collaboration Symposium, Chair, Simon Fraser University Faculty of Health Sciences, University of British Columbia Department of Health Care and Epidemiology, University of Washington Canadian Studies Center, University of Washington Center for Global Studies, and University of Washington School of Public Health and Community Medicine, La Conner Country Inn, La Conner, 4-5 January 2008.
Anne Vernez Moudon, “Neighborhood, Built Environment, and Spatial Informatics,” Linking Biology to Behavior and Society to Enhance Obesity Prevention: Geographic Information Systems, Geo-Spatial Analysis Techniques and Beyond, 2007 Research Workshop, McGill Integrative Health Challenge Think Tank, Montréal,10 November 2007.
Fritz Wagner, Course Development Grant, Comparative Urban Planning and Design: Canada and the US, Canadian Studies Center, $7000.
Fritz Wagner, Fund for the Improvement of Postsecondary Education Grant, Office of Postsecondary Education US Department of Education, “NEXPOLIS” (provides funding for students to go to either the Université Laval or Ryerson University for one quarter), $215,390, 2004-2008.
Fritz Wagner, “Livable Communities in Canada and the US,” Presentation, Urban Health Meeting, United Nation’s World Health Organization/Pan American Health Organization, Mexico City, Fall Quarter 2007.
Samuel Wasser, Research project, “Killer Whale Populations in Canada and the US,” Canadian Consulate, Seattle grant, $10,000.
Robin Wright, “Haida Naay in the White City: Zacherias and the Chicago Settee,” Open Session: Far North and Northwest Coast Art, Native American Art Studies Association Conference: Art and Survival in Changing Worlds, Fairbanks Princess Lodge and Conference Center, Fairbanks, 29 September 2007.
Baird, Katie, Economics, Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences, UW Tacoma, International Canadian Institute Fellow, Summer 2007, $6,000 value.
Delcourt, Denyse. Gabrielle and the Long Sleep into Mourning, translated by Eugene Vance, (English translation of Gabrielle au bois dormant, Los Angeles: Green Integer, 2007.
England, Kim and Kevin Ward (2007) eds. Neo-Liberalization: Networks, States, Peoples, International Antipode/Blackwell book series: Oxford.
England, Kim et al, “Neo-Liberalizing Home Care: Managed Competition and Restructuring Home Care in Ontario,” England and Ward (eds.), Neoliberalization: Networks, States, Peoples, International Antipode/Blackwell book series, 2007.
England, Kim, “Caregivers, the Local-Global, and Geographies of Responsibility (live-in caregivers in Canada),” in Pamela Moss and Karen Falconer Al-Hindi (eds.), Feminisms in Geography: Rethinking Space, Place and Knowledges, Rowman and Littlefield: Lanham, MD, 2007.
England, Kim and John Mercer, “Canadian Cities in Continental Context: Global and Continental Perspectives on Canadian Urban Development,:” in Trudi Bunting and Pierre Filion (eds.), Canadian Cities in Transition: Local through Global Perspectives, Third Edition Oxford University Press: Toronto, 2006.
England, Kim and Bernadette Stiell, “They think you are as stupid as your English: Constructing Foreign Domestic Workers in Toronto,” Environment and Planning, 1997, 29(2): 195-215. Reprinted in Pamela Moss and Karen Falconer Al-Hindi (eds.), Feminisms in Geography: Rethinking Space, Place and Knowledges, Rowman and Littlefield: Lanham MD, 2007.
England, Kim and Bernadette Stiell, “Domestic Distinctions: Constructing Difference among Paid Domestic Workers in Toronto,” Gender, Place, and Culture, 1997, 4(3): 339-359. Reprinted in Michael S. Kimmel, Amy Aronson, and Amy Kaler (eds.), The Gendered Society Reader (Canadian Edition), Oxford University Press, 2007.
Fabbi, Nadine, Faculty Research Grant, “Inuit Homelands in Canada,” Foreign Affairs, Canada, $5,000.
Fabbi, Nadine, Program Enhancement Grant, Foreign Affairs, Canada, $15,000.
Fabbi, Nadine, “Nunatsiavut – Canada’s Final Inuit Land Claim,” Teaching Canada, Vol. 24, The Center for the Study of Canada, State University of New York College at Plattsburgh, Plattsburgh, New York, 2006.
Fabbi, Nadine, Karl Froschauer and Susan Pell (eds.). Convergence and Divergence in North America: Canada and the United States. Vancouver: SFU Centre for Canadian Studies, 752 pages, Fall 2006.
Fabbi, Nadine, Program Grant, Canada-U.S. Fulbright Visiting Chair, Canada-U.S. Fulbright Program and University of Washington, $50,000.
Gallucci, Vincent, Publication Grant, Conference Proceedings, “First International Dogfish Shark Symposium,” Foreign Affairs, Canada, $10,000.
Gallucci, Vincent, The Biology and Management of the Dogfish Shark: A World Wide Perspective, editors: Gallucci, McFarlane, Bargmann, Forthcoming, 2007.
Gallucci, Vincent, “The sixgill shark in the Puget Sound/ Georgia Basin nursery ecosystem,” authors, Gallucci, Langseth, Bargmann, forthcoming, 2007.
Hargus, Sharon. Witsuwit’en Grammar: Phonetics, Phonology, Morphology, University of British Columbia Press, 2007.
Graham, Niele, Built Environment, Preservation, Urban Design, Canada Council Grant for Professional Writers, $20,000.
Harmon, Alexandra, “Coast Salish History,” Be of Good Mind: Essays on the Coast Salish, edited by Bruce Granville Miller, University of British Columbia Press, May 2007.
Hart, Daniel and Nadine Fabbi, Program Grant, Pacific Northwest Québec Visiting Scholar Grant, Ministère des Relations internationals, $15,000.
Hart, Daniel. Healthy Heart Video Series (6 x 15:00, 2007) producer, editor. A six-part Centers for Disease Control funded video series for Native American students, dealing with cardiovascular health. Relating to First Nations health issues and communities.
Hart, Daniel. Health Disparities in Native America (15:00, 2007) producer, editor. A short film, produced in association with the Native Wellness Research Center, dealing with major health issues facing Native communities. Relating to First Nations health issues and communities.
Herschensohn, Julia, Review Board for proposals to the European Science Foundation, 2007-2008.
Herschensohn, Julia, Editorial Board, Journal of French Language Studies, 2006-present.
Herschensohn, Julia, Member, Executive Committee of the Division on Applied Linguistics, Modern Language Association, December 2005-2009 (elected position).
Herschensohn, Julia, “Review of Slabakova, Roumyana, Silvina A. Montrul & Philippe Prévost (Eds.), Inquiries in Linguistic Development: In honor of Lydia White,” Modern Language Review, 2007.
Herschensohn, Julia, “Review of Sampson, Geoffrey: The Language Instinct Debate,” Modern Language Review, 2007.
Howard, Philip. Faculty Research Grant, Information Access and Telecommunications Policy in Canada and the US.”, Foreign Affairs, Canada, $7,500.
Howard, Philip N. New Media Campaigns and the Managed Citizen. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press, 2006.
Ludwin, Ruth, Gregory J. Smits, D. Carver, K. James, C. Jonientz-Trisler, A. D. McMillan, R. Losey, R. Dennis, J. Rasmussen, A. De Los Angeles, D. Buerge, C. P. Thrush, J. Clague, J. Bowechop and J. Wray, “Folklore and earthquakes: Native American oral traditions from Cascadia compared with written traditions from Japan,” Geological Society, London, Special Publications 2007, Volume 273: 67-94.
Paun, Dorothy, “A Longitudinal Study of Business Values and Performance in the Canadian and U.S. Paper Industry,” Convergence and Divergence in North America Canada and the United States. Karl Froschauer, Nadine Fabbi, and Susan Pell, eds. Vancouver, Canada: Simon Fraser University, pp. 42-60, 2006.
Periwal, Sukumar. Beyond Borders: Regional Partnerships in the Pacific Northwest,Occasional Paper Series, Canadian Studies Center, Henry M. Jackson School of International Studies, University of Washington, 2007.
Rhines, Peter, Hatun, H, C.E.Eriksen, P.B.Rhines and J.M.Lilly, “Buoyant eddies entering the Labrador Sea observed with gliders and altimetry,” J. Phys. Oceanogr. in press, 2007.
Seifer, Sarena. School of Public Health and Community Medicine, Executive Director, Community-Campus Partnerships for Health, Conference Grant Program, “Community-Academic Partnerships for a Purpose: Achieving Social Justice.” Foreign Affairs, Canada, $3,000.
Seifer, Sarena, Canadian Institutes of Health Research $45K; Canadian Population Health Initiative $10K; Anonymous Donor from Canada $10K; Canadian Health Services Research Foundation $10K; Ontario HIV Treatment Network $20K.
Stein, Marcy, Arts and Interdisciplinary Sciences, UW Tacoma, International Canadian Institute Fellow, Summer 2007, $6,000 value.
Wright, Robin. NEA Grant, Access to Artistic Excellence, Folk and Traditional Arts Grant for Sin the Spirit of the Ancestors, $20,000, 2007. (PI).
Wright, Robin. NEH Exhibit Planning Grant ($39,999), Skidegate Haida House and Pole Models for the World Columbian Exposition, 2005-08. (PI).
Wright, Mary C. American Indian Studies/Department of History, International Canadian Institute Fellow, Summer 2007, $6,000 value.
Wright, Mary C., “The Woman’s Lodge: Constructing Gender on the Nineteenth-Century Pacific Northwest Plateau,” In the Days of Our Grandmothers: A Reader in Aboriginal Women’s History in Canada, (eds.) Mary-Ellen Kelm & Lorna Townsend (University of Toronto Press, 2006).
Abramson, Daniel, “From Ethnic Enclave to Multi-ethnic Translocal Community: Constructed Identities and Urban Design in Seattle’s Chinatown-International District,” w/ L. Manzo and J. Hou, Journal of Planning Education and Research, 2006.
Anderson, Leigh, “Teach Your Children Well: Values of Thrift and Saving,” with Neil Nevitte, Journal of Economic Psychology, University of Toronto Press, 2006.
Bruce, Neil, “Variable Retirement and the Effects of Social Insurance on Savings, Wealth and Welfare” with Stephen Turnovsky, working paper, July 2005.
Chan, Anthony, Review of Patricia Roy, The Oriental Question: Consolidating a White Man’s Province, 1914-41, Vancouver: UBC Press, International Migration Review, 2006.
Coté, Charlotte, “Whaling; Religious and Cultural Implications: Makah and Nuu-chah-nulth Whaling Traditions,” American Indian Religious Traditions, Suzanne Crawford, Dennis Kelly eds. California: ABC/Clio Inc, 2005.
Delcourt, Denyse, Gabrielle and the Long Sleep into Mourning (English translation of Gabrielle au bois dormant by Eugene Vance), Los Angeles: Green Integer Edition, Fall 2005.
De Mello and Kathleen Mackay, “Broken Hearts, Shattered Spirits: Social Work, Domestic Violence and Health Care,” chapter in Social Work in Health and Mental Health: Issues, Developments and Actions, ed. by Heinonen and Metteri, Canadian Scholars’ Press Inc., 2005.
Fabbi, Nadine, “The Inuit Inukshuk and the 2010 Olympic Logo,” K-12 STUDY CANADA Resource Flyer, Spring 2006.
Fabbi, Book Review: Nunavik: Inuit-Controlled Education in Arctic Québec by Anne Vick-Westgate,” American Review of Canadian Studies, 2005.
Fitzhugh, Benjamin, “The archaeology of evolution in hunter-gatherer societies: a case study from the Kodiak Archipelago, Alaska.” In Seeking Our Past: An Introduction to North American Archaeology, edited by Sarah Neusius and Tim Gross. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2006.
Gallucci, V., I. Taylor, “Conservation and management of exploited shark populations based on reproductive value,” Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 2006.
Gallucci, L. Hulbert, A. A. Silva, J. Rice. 2005. “Seasonal foraging movements and migratory patterns of female salmon sharks, Lamna ditropis, tagged in Alaska.” Journal of Fish Biology: 66:1-20.
Glassman, Debra, “Market Timing by Global Fund Managers” with Leigh Riddick, Journal of International Money and Finance, 2006.
Gunderson, Don and Shaw, F.R. 2006. Life history traits of the greenstriped rockfish, Sebastes elongatus. Calif. Fish and Game. 92:1-23.
Hargus, Sharon, Witsuwit’en Grammar: Phonology and Morphology, University of British Columbia Press, 2006.
Hargus, “Prosody in Two Athabaskan Languages of Northern B.C.” in Hargus and Rice eds. The Phonology and Morphology of Witsuwit’en, 2006.
Harmon, Alexandra, “Wanted: More Histories of Indian Identity,” in Blackwell Companion to Native American History, eds. P.J. Deloria et al., Malden, Massachusetts: Blackwell Publishers, 2006.
Harrington, J.W. and LeHeron, eds. 2005. New Economic Spaces, New Economic Geographies. Aldershot: Ashgate Publishing.
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