Over President’s Day weekend, 12 MBA students from the UW Foster School of Business embarked on the second annual Canada Study Tour. These students took advantage of their long weekend by traveling from Seattle to neighboring Vancouver, British Columbia to learn about trade and sustainability around the region. The 2008 Canada Study Tour explored the rich economic, political and cultural environment of the city of Vancouver and the province of British Columbia. Students also discovered how Vancouver is gearing up for the 2010 Olympics and why it is one of the most cosmopolitan cities in North America.
While in Vancouver, the students met with the US Consulate, the Trade Commissioner of Mexico to the Pacific Northwest, and the Director of International Relations for the Government of British Columbia. They discussed the vast business opportunities of the upcoming Winter Olympics with staff of the 2010 Commerce Centre; the importance of networking with the director of the Vancouver Board of Trade; and the strategy behind urban planning and environmental management with the Deputy Mayor of Vancouver and with a local urban planner, Lance Berelowitz. The group learned about the Canadian health care system while visiting Vancouver General Hospital; met with the Chief Operating Officer of the Vancouver Canucks hockey team; and dined with the executive chef of the Pacific Institute of Culinary Arts, among other visits. The students were also able to start relationships with MBA students and faculty from the University of British Columbia and Simon Fraser University.
The annual MBA Study Tour to Canada is a joint effort of the Global Business Center, Foster School of Business and the Canadian Studies Center. This program is made possible, in part, by a Title VI Grant, US Department of Education and a Program Enhancement Grant, Foreign Affairs Canada. Dr. Sukumar Periwal, 2006-07 Canada-US Fulbright Chair, was the Faculty Representative for the Tour.