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2007 Canada Study Tour

February 15, 2007

Chairs: Saara Romu and Vanessa Brewster
Faculty Reps: Dr. Sukumar Periwal, Nadine Fabbi
Article from the Association for Canadian Studies in the US newsletter

The Canada-US trade relationship is the largest in the world and therefore it is critical that UW MBA students have an understanding of the market structures and overall political and trade relations between the two countries. The Center works in collaboration with UW’s Global Business Center in the Michael G Foster School of Business to offer an annual Canada Study Tour to Vancouver, British Columbia over President’s Day Weekend. In addition, the Center supports student applications to the annual Canadian Leadership Institute in Ottawa, Canada for an intensive week of training on the Canada-US trade relationship. 
***This program was available from 2007-2010 and is no longer available.
Vancouver 2007

2007 Study Tour group walking in downtown Vancouver.


Study Tour co-chairs Vanessa Brewster (left) and Saara Romu with Vancouver city planner and author, Lance Berelowitz.

CityLunch 2007

2007 Study Tour group is treated to lunch at the Granville Island Restaurant by the City of Vancouver.

Segal School of Business 2007

The 2007 group at the Segal School of Business.