Horn of Africa Initiative
Upcoming events
Protest, Race and Citizenship across African Worlds
- Meklit Movement: Saturday February 4, 2021, 8pm Meany Hall
Past events
- The Ethiopia Crisis in Context: An African Studies Program and History Department Conversation. Thursday December 10, 304pm via Zoom
- Saturday March 14 Grand Exhibition presented by Mahibere Kidusan, Seattle SubCenter
- Thursday, February 6: 5-9pm Seattle Art Museum, One Vibe Africa’s Kijiji Night
- Thursday January 23, 11:30am, CMU 202, Justin Dunnavant on “The Politics of Heritage in Southern Ethiopia: Representation of the Wolaita”
- Friday November 1, 7 pm, Northwest African American Museum, Ray Silverman “Painting Ethiopia: Religious Art for a New Millennium.”
- Thursday November 7, 3:30-5pm, CMU, room 202: Wendy Belcher (Professor of Comparative Literature, Princeton University), “The Black Queen of Sheba: the Origin of an African Idea.”
- Friday November 15, 2:30-4pm, Denny Hall 211: Simon Javan Okelo, founder and executive director of OneVibeAfrica, “Funky Mogadishu: The Music of Somalia’s Disco Era” .
- Thursday October 31, 3:30-5pm, CMU, room 202.: Ray Silverman (Professor of Art History, University of Michigan), “Ethiopian Religious Imagery in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction.”
- Tuesday October 29: Sean Winslow, “Traditional Christian Bookmaking in Ethiopia” / Tuesday October 29, 3:30pm / CMU 202
- Tuesday October 15: Come meet a historian of Somalia! Tuesday October 15, 4-5pm CMU 202/204. As part of her visit to the University of Washington, Professor Lidwien Kapteijns, one of the world’s leading authorities on Somali history, will meet with students over tea to discuss her research on Somalia and the challenges facing the country today.
- Monday October 14: Lidwien Kapteijns (Elizabeth Kimball Kendall and Elizabeth Hodder Professor of History, Wellesley College): “Somalia in the Sixties: History and Song,” 3:30-5, Simpson Center for the Humanities, Communications, room 202.
- Thursday October 3: Art, Migration, and Identity: From the Horn of Africa to America / A presentation by visual artist Yeggy Michael / 11:30am / CMU 202
- Wednesday October 2 : Dr. Muna Osman and the Mama AMMAAN Team: “Safe Motherhood by the Community, for the Community: Towards a Decolonization of University/Community Partnerships” / 3:30-4:50 / Johnson 102