
For Graduate Students

The African Studies Program works with various schools and departments at the University of Washington to encourage research by graduate students. While there is no official graduate studies program available in African Studies at the UW, many students from other disciplines have African as a focus of their research or enhance the international quality of their research by including Africa as a comparative point of analysis. The African Studies Program’s affiliated graduate students have opportunities to engage in the following activities:

  • Graduate Student Colloquia
    The purpose of these colloquia is to create an inter-disciplinary forum in which UW graduate students from programs and departments across campus can share and discuss their Africa-related research. We will have more information about our upcoming colloquia soon.
  • Africa-Related Events
    Graduate students are invited to participate in all Africa-related events both on campus and in the community. The events section of the website is continually updated with this information. In addition, there is a graduate student list-serve that all interested graduate students are invited to join. Please email to join this list.
  • Africa-Related Scholarships
    Funding for study and travel abroad can be found on the Study Abroad resources page. Another web-based resource of particular interest to Graduate Students with an interest in African Studies is the Funding opportunities page of this website. Lastly, fellowship and scholarship resources can be found on the Jackson School-wide Funding Opportunities under Advising.