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The Housing Crisis in Taiwan: A Presentation and Q&A with Professor Yi-Ling Chen

February 2, 2024

On Friday, February 2, 2024, University of Wyoming Associate Professor Yi-Ling Chen joined the UW Taiwan Studies Program for a special presentation on the housing crisis in Taiwan. UW Professor of Landscape Architecture Jeff Hou moderated and hosted the Q&A session following Dr. Chen’s presentation.

Taiwan, like most developed nations, is struggling with rising housing prices. These increases are limiting the ability for would-be-buyers to enter the market, particularly as incomes are not keeping pace with housing costs. So too, the expanding financialization of housing as an investment model is driving generational and social inequality in Taiwan, leading to young Taiwanese citizens living at home for longer and preventing poorer citizens from ever having a chance at owning property. Professor Chen’s presentation describes the situation in detail. She argues for sweeping changes to reverse the intensification of housing as a commodity, reshaping policy to define housing as a basic human need.

Please watch Professor Chen’s presentation below or on our YouTube channel.