ENVIR495C / JSIS484C: Environmental Issues in East Asia will be offered again during the upcoming Winter 2021 quarter! This class will meet virtually T/Th 5 – 6:50pm.
This course will also feature a new addition – students will virtually collaborate with Taiwanese students for a 3-week final project on comparative case studies of Taiwan and Washington State.
Yen-Chu Weng
Course Description
This course surveys contemporary environmental issues in East Asia – China, Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan. Focusing on the topics of pollution, waste, energy, environmental movements, and environmental policy, we will delve into case studies to examine how each country responds to the environmental challenges differently and with what consequences. This course culminates with a group project in which students will work in groups to analyze and present a specific environmental case in East Asia by synthesizing diverse sources of information and stakeholder perspectives. This course will prepare students for the following: (1) Recognize and understand the causes and effects of contemporary environmental issues in East Asia through a comparative lens, (2) Examine the cultural, social, political, and economic implications of environmental challenge, and (3) Practice critical thinking and effective communication skills through class activities and assignments.