
Submission Requirements

  • Length: The Journal typically looks for pieces that are between 10-20 double-spaced pages in length, not counting endnotes or a bibliography. You are encouraged to submit work that is longer or shorter, but take note that if your piece is selected it will be edited to fit the appropriate length.
  • Format: Work should be double-spaced, in 12-point Times New Roman font, and include a title and bibliography. The Jackson School Journal conforms to the conventions of the Chicago Manual of Style, 16th Edition; citations take the form of endnotes and be formatted according to Chicago Style. Though your citations do not need to be in Chicago Style when you submit, please take note that if your piece is selected you will be expected to revise the citations.
  • Cover Letter and Abstract: When sending your submission, please include a document indicating your name, academic background and interests, and any notes you find relevant concerning the development of your research. If you are submitting a piece originally written for a class, please indicate the course, professor, and academic year and quarter for which the work was written. A 250-word abstract must accompany all submissions.