The Jackson School Journal is currently welcoming submissions for the upcoming edition of the Jackson School Journal.
Thank you for your interest in the Jackson School Journal! The Journal welcomes undergraduate writing on topics related to international affairs. You do not have to be a Jackson School student or have written your paper for a Jackson School class to submit. Papers may focus on any regional or thematic interest, and should be of contemporary relevance to those interested in international studies.
For the upcoming edition, please submit your entries by January 6, 2025. There are two submission options; submission instructions are detailed below. If you need any assistance with your submission, please do not hesitate to contact the Editorial Board at
Detailed Submission Requirements
1. Full submission (preferred)
To submit your work in complete form, please upload a brief cover page (with your name, academic interests, and 250-word abstract) and manuscript (with identifying information removed) through this form.
2. Abstract submission
For papers that are still undergoing development, the Jackson School Journal will also consider abstracts in lieu of a full manuscript, so that we can provide publishing opportunities for strong papers that will be completed over the Spring Quarter. We especially welcome honors theses and similar projects. Paper acceptance will be conditional on the editorial board approval of the draft manuscript once it is complete. To submit an abstract, please upload a brief cover page (with your name and academic interests) and abstract through this form.
I had a wonderful experience working with the Journal. I found my editor to be accessible, approachable, and generous with her time. Over the many months we worked on the paper, she provided insightful feedback that helped me to re-organize, focus, and refine my paper.