The Reconsideration of the International Order of Asia...


Shigeru Akita (Workshop Coordinator)

Distinguished Professor of Global History, Graduate School of Humanities, Osaka University, Japan

Research: Agricultural development (South Asia)


Carlo Eduardo Altamura

Lecturer (Assistant Professor) in 20th Century Latin American History, Department of History, School of Arts Languages and Cultures, Faculty of Humanities, University of Manchester, UK. Swiss National Science Foundation Ambizione Research Fellow, Department of International History and Politics, Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, CH-1211 Geneva 21, Switzerland

Research: Latin American debt and “structural adjustment”


Gareth Austin

Emeritus Professor of Economic History and Director of Research at the University of Cambridge, UK

Research: Africa’s economic history


Hideki Kan (Discussant)

Emeritus Professor of U.S. Diplomatic History at Kyushu University and Visiting Professor at Osaka University, Japan

Research: New Cold War, American diplomatic strategy and international order


Yutaka Kanda

Professor, Graduate School of Modern Society and Culture, Niigata University, Japan

Research: Japanese politics and diplomacy and the Asia-Pacific


Mark Metzler (Local Host)

Professor of History and International Studies at the University of Washington, USA

Research: Global economic history, industrial history


David S. Painter

Emeritus Professor at Georgetown University, USA

Research: Petroleum and history


Kazuhiko Yago (via Zoom)

Professor, Graduate School of Commerce, Waseda University, Japan

Research: Inflation, deflation, Eurodollar market


Ikuto Yamaguchi

Professor at the Department of History, Nara University, Japan

Research: IMF/OECD and international finance


If you have any questions, please contact Mark Metzler at with “March Workshop” in the subject line.