
About the UW Center for Japanese Studies

The UW Center for Japanese Studies brings together faculty, students, and the greater community and is the nexus of Japan-related learning at the UW. With a multi-disciplinary approach, we prepare students for futures in a wide variety of careers including government, business, academia, law, and the arts through the breadth and depth of coursework. Now in its second century, the program continues to pursue its mission to foster greater understanding of Japan and its relationship with the global community. Japan Studies and Japanese Studies prepares students to pursue their professional goals and become better global citizens.


Japan’s Prime Minister Fumio Kishida and U.S. president Joe Biden (2023) (License)

This website is your portal to UW programs specific to Japan and Japanese and is your source for information on events, faculty, news, and other resources.

Japanese astronaut Soichi Noguchi. Image: NASA


Degrees with a Focus on Japan

Whether a student is interested in exploring the social sciences, humanities, business, or more, the UW offers several options of degree and certificate programs related to Japan and Japanese. See more information at our Undergraduate Degrees or Graduate Degrees for a side-by-side comparison, or visit our Degree Programs page for links directly to each UW unit offering them for complete detailed information.

Image credit: Yi Hu

Courses on Japan are taught across the university in architecture, art historybusinesshistory, language and literature, linguistics, politics, society and civilization, political economy, and law.