
Film Screening: “Blind Bombing, Filmed by a Bat” with Kota Takeuchi

May 9, 2020

Images from movie "Blind Bat" about war balloons floated over the Pacific and found in Washington State

Lecture Series: Yumi Kori on “Between Art and Architecture”

February 3, 2020

Interior stone 'garden' of raked rocks surrounded by backlit glass bricks.

Lecture Series: Ross Henderson on “A Fistful of Incense”

April 23, 2019

Lecture Series: Takako Hikotani “Stepping Up (Is hard to do?)”

April 27, 2018

Shinzo Abe

Lecture Series: Kengo Kuma on “Infrastructure for a New Japan 2020”

May 26, 2016

Interior of city council chambers - Kengo Kuma architect. Large wood panels hang in pattern from skylit ceiling.

Lecture Series: Hitoshi Abe on “3.11 – Five Years On”

January 14, 2016

Hitoshi Abe overlooking a model of one of his architectural pieces

Lecture Series: Yoshihiko Miyauchi on “Change in Japanese Entrepreneurship: the Case of ORIX”

April 27, 2015

Jackson School News

Lecture Series: Taro Kono on “Japan’s Energy Challenges after Fukushima”

January 26, 2015

Yellow radioactive waste barrel against blue sky.