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2014 Griffith and Patricia Way Lecture – Daniel Foote on “Japan’s New Jury System: a Five-Year Progress Report”

Cartoon depiction of court room in Japan

December 3, 2014

In May 2009, following a five-year period for planning and preparation, Japan’s new so-called jury system went into operation. The talk began with a discussion of the background and debates leading up to introduction of the new system, including the motivations for introduction and concerns surrounding the system before it went into effect. It then turned into an appraisal of the system based on its first five years in operation. The talk was given by Daniel H. Foote as part of the Griffith and Patricia Way Lecture Series.

Daniel Foote teaches Fall and Winter Terms at the University of Washington and Summer Term at the University of Tokyo. Since becoming professor at the University of Tokyo in 2000, Foote has been a close observer of the overall justice system reform process and an active participant in legal education and other reforms. He has served on numerous governmental and professional committees, including the Roundtable Discussion Group on Criminal Policy convened by the Public Prosecutor General of Japan and the Citizens’ Council of the Japan Federation of Bar Associations.