Human Rights Minor

UW Seattle

The Minor in Human Rights is an option for students who are interested in the rapidly emerging field of human rights. The minor is a tri-campus initiative (UW Bothell, UW Seattle, and UW Tacoma). Students may, but are not required to, take courses from more than one campus in order to earn the minor.

The curriculum reflects the rising interest in human rights throughout the world – even as human rights violations persist, and debate continues over the meaning and realization of human rights. Understanding this complex subject requires an interdisciplinary approach, one that combines in a new way the study of philosophy, politics, economics, culture, and law.

Current Course Offerings

The University of Washington is fortunate to house one of the strongest human rights programs in the country.  We offer a rich selection of courses taught by scholars from diverse schools, departments, and programs.

Winter 2025 Course Offerings, UW Seattle
(Autumn 2024, Spring 2024, Winter 2024, Autumn 2023 course list)

Human Rights Minor Advisors

Political Science Advising Office:
Smith 215
(206) 543-1824

Jackson School Office of Academic Services:
Thomson 111
(206) 543-6001

Minimum Credit Requirements

The Minor in Human Rights requires completion of at least 25 credits, as follows.

  1. At least ten (10) credits must come from classes in which human rights is a core concept.
  2. At least five (5) credits must come from classes concerned with human rights in a broader context (e.g., poverty, race, ethnicity, gender, labor, social change).
  3. At least ten (10) additional credits in either human rights core or human rights context courses.
  4. At least three (3) credits of the total 25 credit minimum requirement must be in a human rights related internship, practicum, international study abroad program or a demonstrated equivalent.

Note: If the Human Rights Minor is completed by a student with a declared major at the UW Seattle Campus, then no more than ten (10) credits from that student’s major department may be applied to the Human Rights Minor.

Human Rights Courses Offered at Seattle Campus

(Please note that some of the following courses have departmental prerequisites, which may not fulfill human rights minor requirements.  Because of departmental cross-listings, some courses appear more than once in the following list.)


Course # Course Title Credits
ANTH 150 Culture and Rights: Exploring the Meaning and Practice of Human Rights (5)
ANTH 323/ LSJ 321 Human Rights Law in Culture and Practice (5)
ANTH 497/ LSJ 425 Domesticating International Human Rights: Perspectives on U. S. Asylum and Refugee Law (5)
ANTH 498/ LSJ 421 Women's Rights and Politics in Islamic Society (5)
CHID 434/ DIS ST 434/ LSJ 434 Civil and Human Rights Law for Disabled People (5)
DIS ST 434/ CHID 434/ LSJ 434 Civil and Human Rights Law for Disabled People (5)
HSTAS 245/ JSIS A 245 Human Rights in Asia (5)
JSIS A 245/ HSTAS 245 Human Rights in Asia (5)
JSIS A 324/ LSJ 322 Human Rights in Latin America (5)
JSIS A 465 International Humanitarian Law (5)
JSIS B 441 Forced Migrations (5)
LSJ 320/ POL S 368 The Politics and Law of International Human Rights (5)
LSJ 321/ ANTH 323 Human Rights Law in Culture and Practice (5)
LSJ 322/ JSIS A 324 Human Rights in Latin America (5)
LSJ 327/ POL S 327 Women's Rights as Human Rights (5)
LSJ 361/ POL S 361 U. S. Courts and Civil Liberty (5)
LSJ 363/ POL S 363 Law in Society (5)
LSJ 420 The Politics of Rights (5)
LSJ 421/ ANTH 498 Women's Rights and Politics in Islamic Society (5)
LSJ 425/ ANTH 497 Domesticating International Human Rights: Perspectives on U. S. Asylum and Refugee Law (5)
LSJ 428/ POL S 415 Women's Rights in an Integrated Europe (5)
LSJ 434/ CHID 434/ DIS ST 434 Civil and Human Rights Law for Disabled People (5)
LSJ 438 Human Rights and International Development (5)
PHIL 338 Philosophy of Human Rights (5)
PHIL 407 International Justice (5)
POL S 327/ LSJ 327 Women's Rights as Human Rights (5)
POL S 361/ LSJ 361 U. S. Courts and Civil Liberty (5)
POL S 363/ LSJ 363 Law in Society (5)
POL S 368/ LSJ 320 The Politics and Law of International Human Rights (5)
POL S 402 Advanced Seminar in Human Rights (5)
POL S 415/ LSJ 428 Women's Rights in an Integrated Europe (5)


Course # Course Title Credits
AAS 372 American Internment and Incarceration: Race‚ Discrimination‚ and Power (5)
AES 211/ ANTH 211/ ENVIR 211 Environmental Justice (5)
AES 322/ GWSS 300 Gender‚ Race‚ and Class in Social Stratification (5)
AES 461/ SOC 461 Comparative Ethnic Race Relations in the Americas (5)
AFRAM 150/ HSTAA 150 Introduction to African-American History (5)
AFRAM 334/ HSTAA 334 Civil Rights and Black Power in the United States (5)
AFRAM 437 Blacks in American Law (5)
AIS 335 American Indians and the Law (5)
ANTH 211/ AES 211/ ENVIR 211 Environmental Justice (5)
ANTH 215 Introduction to Medical Anthropology and Global Health (5)
ANTH 301 Human Nature and Culture (3)
ANTH 339/ GWSS 339/ JSIS A 339 Social Movements in Contemporary India (5)
ANTH 345/ JSIS B 345/ GWSS 345 Women and International Economic Development (5)
ANTH 437 Political Anthropology and Social Change (5)
ANTH 470/ JSIS A 470 Minority Peoples of China (5)
ATM S 100 Climate Justice and Energy Solutions (5)
B H 474/ PHIL 411 Justice in Health Care (5)
CHID 110 The Question of Human Nature (5)
CHID 230/ DIS ST 230/ LSJ 230 Introduction to Disability Studies (5)
CHID 332/ DIS ST 332/ LSJ 332 Disability and Society (5)
CHID 433/ DIS ST 433/ LSJ 433 Disability Law‚ Policy‚ and the Community (5)
CHID 487/ JSIS A 485 Culture‚ Politics‚ and Violence in Latin America (5)
CHSTU 359/ POL S 359 U.S. Latino Politics (5)
C LIT 318/ NEAR E 318 Literature and the Holocaust (5)
C LIT 375 Images of Women in Literature (5)
DIS ST 230/ CHID 230/ LSJ 230 Introduction to Disability Studies (5)
DIS ST 332/ CHID 332/ LSJ 332 Disability and Society (5)
DIS ST 433/ CHID 433/ LSJ 433 Disability Law‚ Policy‚ and the Community (5)
ECON 447/ GWSS 447 Economics of Gender (5)
ECON 448 Population and Development (5)
EDUC 211 Political Philosophy of Education (5)
ENVIR 211/ AES 211/ ANTH 211 Environmental Justice (5)
ETHICS 207/ PHIL 207/ POL S 217 Issues of Global Justice (5)
GERMAN 195/ JEW ST 175 Popular Film and the Holocaust (5)
GEOG 230 Geographies of Global Inequality (5)
GEOG 330 Latin America: Landscapes of Change (5)
GEOG 335/ JSIS B 335 Geography of the Developing World (5)
GEOG 371 World Hunger and Agricultural Development (5)
GEOG 375/ JSIS B 375 Geopolitics (5)
GEOG 430 Contemporary Development Issues in Latin America (5)
GWSS 300/ AES 322 Gender‚ Race‚ and Class in Social Stratification (5)
GWSS 305 Feminism in an International Context (5)
GWSS 310 Women and the Law (5)
GWSS 333/ JSIS B 333 Gender and Globalization: Theory and Process (5)
GWSS 339/ ANTH 339/ JSIS A 339 Social Movements in Contemporary India (5)
GWSS 345/ ANTH 345/ JSIS B 345 Women and International Economic Development (5)
GWSS 405 Comparative Women's Movements and Activism (5)
GWSS 447/ ECON 447 Economics of Gender (5)
GWSS 455 Contemporary Feminist Theory (5)
GWSS 456 Feminism‚ Racism‚ and Anti-Racism (5)
GWSS 468/ SPAN 468 Latin American Women (5)
HSTAA 150/ AFRAM 150 Introduction to African-American History (5)
HSTAA 321 Becoming Black Americans (5)
HSTAA 322 African-American History‚ 1865 to the Present (5)
HSTAA 334/ AFRAM 334 Civil Rights and Black Power in the United States (5)
HSTAA 337/ JEW ST 337 Holocaust and American Life (5)
HSTAFM 452 Southern Africa since 1500 (5)
HSTAS 244/ JSIS A 244 Imperialism and Anti-Colonialism in Asia (5)
HSTAS 463 Southeast Asian History from 1800 to the Present (5)
HSTCMP 249/ POL S 249/ SOC 266 Introduction to Labor Studies (5)
HSTCMP 269/ JSIS C 269 The Holocaust: History and Memory (5)
HSTCMP 346 Images of War in History‚ Literature & Media (5)
HSTEU 234 Nazi Germany and the Holocaust (5)
HSTEU 252/ JSIS A 252 The Bloodlands: East Central Europe Under Hitler and Stalin (5
JEW ST 175/ GERMAN 195 Popular Film and the Holocaust (5)
JEW ST 337/ HSTAA 337 Holocaust and American Life (5)
JSIS A 244/ HSTAS 244 Imperialism and Anti-Colonialism in Asia (5)
JSIS A 252/ HSTEU 252 The Bloodlands: East Central Europe Under Hitler and Stalin (5)
JSIS A 339/ GWSS 339/ ANTH 339 Social Movements in Contemporary India (5)
JSIS A 349 Migration & Multiculturalism in the Mediterranean (5)
JSIS A 470/ ANTH 470 Minority Peoples of China (5)
JSIS A 485/ CHID 487 The Cultural Politics of Violence in Contemporary Latin America (5)
JSIS B 310/ POL S 320 State-Society Relations in Third World Countries (5)
JSIS B 315 Law‚ State‚ and Society (5)
JSIS B 331 Political Economy of Development (5)
JSIS B 333/ GWSS 333 Gender and Globalization: Theory and Process (5)
JSIS B 335/ GEOG 335 Geography of the Developing World (5)
JSIS B 337/ POL S 337 Collective Violence and the State (5)
JSIS B 345/ ANTH 345/ GWSS 345 Women and International Economic Development (5)
JSIS B 375/ GEOG 375 Geopolitics (5)
JSIS B 426/ POL S 426 World Politics (5)
JSIS B 469/ LSJ 469/ POL S 469 Law and Rights in Authoritarian Regimes (5)
JSIS C 269/ HSTCMP 269 The Holocaust: History and Memory (5)
JSIS D 468 Deeply Divided Societies (5)
LSJ 200 Introduction to Law‚ Societies and Justice (5)
LSJ 230/ CHID 230/ DIS ST 230 Introduction to Disability Studies (5)
LSJ 332/ CHID 332/ DIS ST 332 Disability and Society (5)
LSJ 347/ POL S 347 Politics of International Law (5)
LSJ 360/ POL S 360 Introduction to United States Constitutional Law (5)
LSJ 367/ POL S 367 Comparative Law and Courts (5)
LSJ 401 Field Experience in Law, Societies, and Justice (LSJ Majors Gold Curriculum. Human rights-related internships only. Offered in Spring.) (5)
LSJ 426 Reconciliation: The Politics of Forgiveness in a Global Age (5)
LSJ 433/ CHID 433/ DIS ST 433 Disability Law‚ Policy and the Community (5)
LSJ 469/ JSIS B 469/ POL S 469 Law and Rights in Authoritarian Regimes (5)
N&MES 318/ C LIT 318 Literature and the Holocaust (5)
PHIL 102 Contemporary Moral Problems (5)
PHIL 110 Introduction to Social and Political Philosophy (5)
PHIL 114 Philosophical Issues in the Law (5)
PHIL 207/ POL S 217/ ETHICS 207 Issues of Global Justice (5)
PHIL 242 Introduction to Medical Ethics (5)
PHIL 314 Philosophy of Crime and Punishment (5)
PHIL 345 Moral Issues of Life and Death (5)
PHIL 410 Social Philosophy (5)
PHIL 411/ B H 474 Justice in Health Care (5)
POL S 217/ PHIL 207/ ETHICS 207 Issues of Global Justice (5)
POL S 249/ HSTCMP 249/ SOC 266 Introduction to Labor Studies (5)
POL S 311 Individual and the State (5)
POL 319 American Political Thought from Reconstruction to the Present (5)
POL S 320/ JSIS B 310 State Society Relations in Third World Countries (5)
POL S 328 International Organizations (5)
POL S 337/ JSIS B 337 Collective Violence and the State (5)
POL S 347/ LSJ 347 Politics of International Law (5)
POL S 359/ CHSTU 359 U.S. Latino Politics (5)
POL S 360/ LSJ 360 Introduction to United States Constitutional Law (5)
POL S 367/ LSJ 367 Comparative Law and Courts (5)
POL S 373 Violence, Exploitation and Exclusion in U.S. Labor Markets (5)
POL S 425 War and Deterrence (5)
POL S 426/ JSIS B 426 World Politics (5)
POL S 430 Civil-Military Relations in Democracies (5)
POL S 463 Law and Violence Data Laboratory (5)
POL S 469/ JSIS B 469/ LSJ 469 Law and Rights in Authoritarian Regimes (5)
PSYCH 250 Racism and Minority Groups (5)
PSYCH 477 Psychology of Peace (5)
PSYCH 480 Ideas of Human Nature (5)
SOC 266/ HSTCMP 249/ POL S 249 Introduction to Labor Studies (5)
SOC 374 Law and Society (5)
SOC 461/ AES 461 Comparative Ethnic Race Relations in the Americas (5)
SPAN 322 Introduction to Hispanic Cultural Studies (5)
SPAN 468/ GWSS 468 Latin American Women (5)

Last updated: 10/14/2024