The application period for the 2018 Christen J. Grorud Endowed Memorial Fellowship is now open! The Fellowship provides broad-based direct financial support to graduate students in good standing studying Southeast Asia at the University of Washington.
- Current or admitted graduate students at the University of Washington
- The applicant does not need to be U.S. citizen but must be enrolled as a UW student.
- The award will be disbursed in equal installments of $1333 over the academic year, beginning fall quarter. The awardee must be in residence to receive funding.
- It is the donor’s preference that the recipient have a focus on the study of Indonesia, though the award is open to students who study any area of Southeast Asia.
Application materials
- Your resume or CV with full contact information (address, email, and phone number)
- 1-2 page statement of graduate research activities and plans for the 2018-19 school year. Please also include the name and email address of one referee, preferably your graduate advisor
- Unofficial transcript
Send inquiries and application submissions to