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Andika Murandi’s Art Exhibition

November 21, 2018

Andika Murandi with his creation

Andika Murandi is a Seattle-based architect. It was his love for drawings that drove him to pursue a degree in Architecture. After graduating from Parahyangan University in Bandung, Indonesia, he moved to Oregon to pursue a graduate degree in Architecture. Andika stayed in Eugene for several years before working for an architecture firm in downtown Seattle in 2014.

Andika participated in this year’s Pioneer Square Artwalk, in which he showcased his drawings. This year’s theme is essence of space. The exhibition is located at Callus, a café that usually offers a dedicated space for artists to exhibit and sell their art. The management of the café was generous to offer Andika a space. Our staff Lucky (PhD candidate, Built Environment) and Anthropology graduate student, Dimas met Andika during the opening day.

Andika’s sketchbooks

In the exhibition, people can enjoy some of his large-print works, framed and mounted on the wall. Visitors can also purchase any of the large prints. Other points of interest in the exhibit are his sketchbooks, stacked on a nearby chair. They contain several of his works from the last 6 years. Whereas the mounted prints emphasize more on Seattle, his other sketches are more diverse. They also tell some stories about his life: from places he visited in Indonesia, to his own family members.

Andika’s tools of trade

Andika likes to experiment with various tools, from graphite to different types of artist pens, which he carries with him most of the time. He draws whenever he has time, even during lunch breaks. Despite his works being mostly quick sketches, they are highly detailed. Ideally, it takes him about twenty minutes to complete a sketch.

Andika’s work

He always begins from the general shape of the object he would like to draw. Then, he starts adding details. According to him, the sketch doesn’t have to exactly mirror what its real-world counterpart looks like so long as the details are in the right place. It is the imperfection in the sketches, the uneven lines and doodly-shaped figures, that makes up the uniqueness of his works.

Even though Artwalk only happens on the first Thursday of each month, Andika’s works are on exhibit until November 30th and visitors are welcome to view them any time before the end of the month.

Visitors at the exhibition