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Hassan Elhag Ali: Hybridity Contention and War: Post-Revolutionary Politics in Sudan

June 12, 2024

Monday April 15th, 2024, 10am (PST) ǀ 7pm Khartoum ǀ 8pm Doha Amidst commemorating the anniversary of the conflict in Sudan, the African Studies Program at the University of Washington invites you to a compelling event. Esteemed scholar Professor Hassan Ahmed, of the University of Khartoum, will navigate the intricate realm of post-revolutionary politics in Sudan. In his discourse titled “Hybridity Contention and War,” Professor Ahmed will unpack the complexities stemming from the fusion of divergent socio-political identities and ideologies in the aftermath of conflict. Against the backdrop of war’s enduring impact, this discussion promises profound insights into Sudan’s societal fabric and the path toward lasting peace and reconciliation.

Hassan Elhag Ali is a professor in the Dept. of Political Science, University of Khartoum. He got his PhD from the University of North Texas, Denton. He was the Dean of the Faculty of Economic and Social Studies at the University of Khartoum & the Director of the Higher Academy of Strategic & Security Studies. He worked as a Visiting Professor in Ahmed B. Mohamed Military College, Qatar, and the Graduate School of International Area Studies, Hankuk University, South Korea. He won the Arabic Prize for Humanities and Social Sciences Research in 2014. Currently he is a visiting researcher at the Center for Conflict and Humanitarian Studies in Doha. His recent publication is: Unstable Transitional Period: The Transformation of the Hybrid Coalition in Sudan.

Watch his presentation HERE

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