
Lecture Series: Kengo Kuma on “Infrastructure for a New Japan 2020”

May 26, 2016

Interior of city council chambers - Kengo Kuma architect. Large wood panels hang in pattern from skylit ceiling.

Lecture Series: Hitoshi Abe on “3.11 – Five Years On”

January 14, 2016

Hitoshi Abe overlooking a model of one of his architectural pieces

Lecture Series: Yoshihiko Miyauchi on “Change in Japanese Entrepreneurship: the Case of ORIX”

April 27, 2015

Jackson School News

Lecture Series: Taro Kono on “Japan’s Energy Challenges after Fukushima”

January 26, 2015

Yellow radioactive waste barrel against blue sky.

Lecture Series: Shinichi Kitaoka on “East Asian Security Challenges and Japan’s New Strategy under Abe”

May 28, 2014

Satellite image of Asia from east Africa across Russia and Pacific ocean.

Lecture Series: Motoshige Itoh on “‘Abenomics’ and the Japanese Economy”

February 27, 2014

Pink piggy bank with assorted coins