Rethinking Punishment

Collective Justice: “Healing happens in relationship”

October 28, 2020

CJ staff and facilitators celebrate a successful meeting. Teddy McGlynn-Wright says that the role of a facilitator is to model the belief that everyone has worth and value: "Part of what we’re doing is making that political stance a reality through our interpersonal actions."

Rethinking Punishment: Spotlight on Student-led Action

October 25, 2019

Satory Adams interviews Martina Kartman, founder of the Community Justice Project, for her "voices and visions" video project. (Photo courtesy of Satory Adams.)

CHR Justice Award Recognizes Faculty Research Which Helped Abolish the Death Penalty in Washington State

October 24, 2019

Research for Action: Annual Report 2018-2019

October 24, 2019

Education for Transformation: Annual Report 2017-2018

November 6, 2018

Team meeting where Director Angelina Godoy shares massive dataset received from public records requests. (Photo: Corinne Thrash for Columns)

Restorative Justice: An Alternative to Long Prison Sentences

October 24, 2018

Faculty Research Cited in Ruling Abolishing State Death Penalty

October 12, 2018

Rethinking Punishment: Holding Space for Restorative Justice

October 6, 2017

IPP facilitators and community members participate in a restorative justice circle training in Seattle. Photo: Insight Prison Project

Cited Podcast: The Story Behind America’s Mass Incarceration Experiment

September 28, 2017

Rethinking Punishment: Challenging Mass Incarceration in Washington State

November 30, 2016