
Isaac Sanders Researches Homelessness Among Indigenous Youth

October 22, 2024

Hannah Garland Researches the US Death Penalty

October 17, 2022

Hannah Garland engaging in death penalty legal research as a fellow with Reprieve (Summer 2022)

2021 Fellowship Recipients

July 16, 2021

Jackson School News

Ashleen Advocates for Incarcerated and Formerly-Incarcerated Individuals

November 30, 2020

Ashleen O'Brien, Osheroff-Clark Fellow, outside of Clallam Bay Corrections Center

Innovations in Native Health Care Access: Spring Symposium Report and Photos

November 8, 2018

Left to right: Celia McTigue, Maya Magarati, Ali Desautel, Kim Thompson, Bonnie Duran and Aaron Katz during the UWCHR spring sympsium in May 2018.

Patrick Thomsen Compares Narratives of Gay Korean Men in Korea and Seattle

October 12, 2017

Patrick walking in the Daegu (South Korea) Queer Festival Pride Parade March. (To protect the identity of other marchers, their faces have been blurred out as it can affect employment and even family life.)

Kelsey Armstrong Supports Undocumented and Detained Immigrants

October 12, 2017

Marina Gallon, Maria Jose Cordero, Kelsey Armstrong-Hahn, Maru Villalpando, Alejandra Gonza at the Organization of American States.

Bridget Grotz Exposes Immigration Abuses with Human Rights Watch

June 30, 2016