2018 – 2019

Francis Abugbilla examines transitional justice processes in Cote d’Ivoire

November 5, 2019

Francis Abugbilla

UWCHR Alumni Reflect on “Education for Transformation”

October 25, 2019

Clockwise from top right: UWCHR student research alumni Angie Tamayo, Clare Morrison, Danielle Lankhaar, and Noah Schramm.

Human Rights at Home: ICE v. UW

October 25, 2019

Francisca Gómez Baeza presents research about federal immigration prosecutions using the Department of Justice's National Caseload Data.

Rethinking Punishment: Spotlight on Student-led Action

October 25, 2019

Satory Adams interviews Martina Kartman, founder of the Community Justice Project, for her "voices and visions" video project. (Photo courtesy of Satory Adams.)

El Salvador: Justice Balanced on Razor’s Edge of Uncertain Politics

October 24, 2019

UW undergraduate Grace Sorensen, Prof. Sol Yañez of the University of Central America "José Simeón Cañas" and David Morales, lead prosecutor for the El Mozote case, at the site of the massacre memorial in El Mozote town plaza. (Photo: Angelina Godoy)

CHR Justice Award Recognizes Faculty Research Which Helped Abolish the Death Penalty in Washington State

October 24, 2019