El Salvador: Justice Balanced on Razor’s Edge of Uncertain Politics

October 24, 2019

UW undergraduate Grace Sorensen, Prof. Sol Yañez of the University of Central America "José Simeón Cañas" and David Morales, lead prosecutor for the El Mozote case, at the site of the massacre memorial in El Mozote town plaza. (Photo: Angelina Godoy)

CHR Justice Award Recognizes Faculty Research Which Helped Abolish the Death Penalty in Washington State

October 24, 2019

Research for Action: Annual Report 2018-2019

October 24, 2019

ICE Air Expands Yakima’s Role in the Detention and Deportation Pipeline

August 20, 2019

Advances and Setbacks in Litigation for Salvadoran War Records

July 23, 2019

Hidden in Plain Sight: ICE Air and the Machinery of Mass Deportation

April 23, 2019

Detainees are loaded onto a Swift Air charter flight at King County International Airport (Boeing Field) in Seattle, WA for a February 26 ICE Air flight under callsign RPN 529. Still image from video by Alex Montalvo and Wadii Boughdir for UWCHR.

Media Advisory: “ICE Air” Report Release Event at UW Seattle, April 24

April 16, 2019