Tamorie Mayweather

Tamorie Mayweather is a recipient of the Summer 2021 Foreign Language and Area Studies (FLAS) Fellowship. The award provides undergraduate, graduate, and professional school students with financial support to develop fluency in less commonly taught languages (LCTLs) and expertise in the regions in which these languages are spoken. Click here to learn more.
I am a Master of Public Administration candidate at the Evans School of Public Policy & Governance and plan to pursue concentrations in Leadership and Decision Making and Social Policy. I have a background in international affairs with an Asian Studies focus. I spent a year in China studying Mandarin as a foreign language, before applying to serve in the Peace Corps where I spent two years as an Education Volunteer in Kosovo. My experiences as an international student, Peace Corps Volunteer, and my 4+ years working in the federal government have shown me just how important language and cross-cultural communication are to global cooperation and policy.
Continuing my Mandarin studies through FLAS will allow me to improve my language knowledge to an advanced level capable of accomplishing tasks requiring increased language competency. I am interested in studying the ways in which successful policies implemented abroad may be adapted to a U.S. context. Once finished with my academic studies, I plan to return to federal service in a field related to foreign policy and social welfare development. Through my language and cultural understanding, further developed with the FLAS fellowship, I hope to contribute to the ways in which the U.S. may strengthen its social services internally, as well as its connections with our global partners abroad.