Aniyah Mohammed

FLAS Fellow
Aniyah Mohammed


Aniyah Mohammed is a recipient of the 2018-2019 Foreign Language and Area Studies (FLAS) Fellowship. The award provides undergraduate, graduate, and professional school students with financial support to develop fluency in less commonly taught languages (LCTLs) and expertise in the regions in which these languages are spoken. Every year the Center for Global Studies awards between 12-15 fellowships to UW students. Click here to learn more.

I am an undergraduate majoring in Psychology and Communication and studying Arabic. In my studies, I want to focus on improving the mental health of Arab refugees and eliminate their barriers to mental health services. My greater understanding of the mental health stigma and global access to resources, and the situations and experiences of the refugees, will be gained through the courses funded by FLAS. Continuing to learn Arabic will help me interview Arab refugees to figure out how to improve their mental health and give them treatment. Receiving the FLAS Fellowship also helps me save money for graduate school, where I plan to receive a Psy.D. in Clinical Psychology. Lastly, the FLAS will help me receive more experience and resources in the mental health field by giving me time to volunteer with the Refugee Women’s Alliance (ReWA) and World Relief here in Seattle.