Panel: Open Democracy
During this unusual fall quarter, UW Libraries invites you to join a variety of events and workshops offered virtually. Topics range from publishing and sharing your work openly to assigning rights to your work to supporting first generation college students online.
The UW Libraries’ celebration of Open Access Week kicks off with a panel presentation on Open Democracy on Tuesday, October 20th, from 3 – 4 pm. Emily Willard, a Ph.D. candidate in the Henry Jackson School of International Studies specializing in women’s experience of conflict and indigenous politics in Guatemala, will be participating as a panelist.
This year’s Open Access Week theme, “Open with Purpose: Taking Action to Build Structural Equity and Inclusion” asks us to reflect on building equitable systems of sharing knowledge. In this panel session, we reflect on how we can build equitable systems of knowledge sharing to further democratic processes. Panelists include:
- Jake Grumbach, Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, University of Washington
- Pratik Sachdeva, PhD candidate in Physics, University of California Berkeley
- Emily Willard, PhD candidate, Henry Jackson School of International Studies
The session will close with time for Q&A.
The panel will be held online via Zoom. Register in advance (registration closes Oct. 19th).
Other upcoming library events:
Simpson Center Summer Fellows Digital Humanities Showcase
Tuesday, October 13th 11:30am-12:30pm
Online via Zoom
Register in advance (registration closes Oct. 12th)
Learn about funding opportunities for graduate students and faculty through the Simpson Center’s Digital Humanities Summer Fellowship program. Hear from recipients of this year’s Fellowship, including:
- “Crowd-sourcing Constitutional Reform” Christine Keating (English) and Eileen Jerrett
- “Digital World Wars: Teaching Undergraduates DH Skills in a Large Lecture Format” Laurie Marhoefer (History) and Taylor Soja (History)
- “Digital Iran: Narratives of (De)colonization in Video Games” Melinda Cohoon (Speaker for the project, Near and Middle Eastern Studies) and Solmaz Shakerifard (Near and Middle Eastern Studies)
Join us for Q&A following this session.
Copyright and the Creative Commons
Thursday, October 15th 11:00am
Online via Zoom
Register in advance (registration closes Oct. 14th)
Learn basic aspects of copyright law and how the Creative Commons can help you to use media without worries.
Introduction to ResearchWorks
Thursday, October 22nd, 2:00-3:30
Online via Zoom
Register online
ResearchWorks is the University of Washington Libraries’ Institutional Repository, which is used to house theses, dissertations, articles, data, and other digital materials that are created by UW faculty and researchers. This workshop will explain what ResearchWorks can be used for, how to deposit your materials, and how using ResearchWorks for manuscripts and data can meet publishing requirements by funders and publishers. A demonstration will be included, and there will be time for questions.
UW Theses and Dissertations
Tuesday, October 27th 2:00-3:00pm
Online via Zoom
Register online
For many students, the thesis or dissertation represents one of their first forays into publicly disseminating the products of their scholarship. This workshop will help students think through their options for how and when to share their work, including the copyright and publishing considerations they may need to take into account.
Supporting First Generation College Students Online
Tuesday, November 10th 1:00-2:00pm
Online via Zoom
Register in advance (registration closes Nov. 9th)
The shift to online instruction and support has been a transition for all of us but can be particularly challenging for students that are the first in their family to attend college. This panel will discuss what supports are in place for first generation college students, the strengths first-generation students bring to the classroom, and how staff and faculty can support students in the classroom and beyond. This program is part of our Hacking the Academy series that looks at the new way scholarship is produced. This session takes a closer look at the new ways scholarship is created in the classroom through the shift to online teaching due to COVID-19. Panelists for this event include:
- Kristian Wiles, Interim Assistant Vice President of Student Success, Office of Minority Affairs & Diversity
- Jaye Sablan, Assistant Director for Core Programs
- Janiece Rustin, Graduate Student and Advisory Board Member of the First Generation Graduate Student Program
Panelists will offer short talks followed by time for your questions and answers.
Create the World’s Fastest Book: Manifold Workshop
Wednesday, November 18th 1:30-3:00pm
Online via Zoom
Register in advance (registration closes Nov. 17th)
Learn how to create the world’s fastest book using the Manifold digital book publishing platform! During this workshop, we’ll introduce you to the Manifold platform. You’ll walk away from this workshop with a public domain text of your choice loaded into Manifold. We’ll also explore Manifold’s annotation capabilities and opportunities for integrating multi-media into your text.
This workshop is available to current UW students, faculty and staff only based on Manifold’s Terms of Use.