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2017 Fellowship Recipients

Five UW students were awarded fellowships from the Center for Human Rights. From left to right: Sarah Dreier, Andre Stephens, Kelsey Armstrong-Hahn, and Angie Tamayo Montero. (Not pictured: Patrick Thomson)
Five UW students were awarded fellowships from the Center for Human Rights. From left to right: Sarah Dreier, Andre Stephens, Kelsey Armstrong-Hahn, and Angie Tamayo Montero. (Not pictured: Patrick Thomson)

May 31, 2017

UWCHR is proud to present five fellowships to students for their human rights work. Read their reports about their research at the links below!

Sarah Dreier received the 2017 Peter Mack and Jamie Mayerfeld Award. She will conduct research for her political science PhD thesis, which examines what drives support for or rejection of women’s rights and LGBTQ rights within Christian churches in sub-Saharan Africa.

Andre Stephens received the 2017 Jennifer Caldwell Award. He will conduct fieldwork for his sociology PhD on how international governance institutions operate in his native Jamaica.

Kelsey Armstrong-Hahn received the 2017 Abe Osheroff and Gunnel Clark Award. A student at UW School of Law, she will use the award for a project with the International Human Rights Clinic, researching conditions in immigrant detention centers in the US in preparation for a report that she will present at a hearing of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights in Mexico City in September 2017.

Angie Tamayo Montero received the 2017 Benjamin Linder Award. An undergraduate psychology major, Angie will use the award to fund travel to El Salvador to continue her work on psycho-social support methodologies for survivors of trauma caused by forced disappearance.

Patrick Thomsen received the 2017 Lisa Sable Brown Award. A student of the Jackson School of International Studies, Patrick will conduct research in Korea for his dissertation which seeks to understand how human rights norms affect non-Western male sexual minorities.