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2010-2013 Osheroff-Clark Fund Recipients

May 30, 2013

2013 Award Recipient

Emily Gaverick helped organize and carry out a speaker’s tour to inspire action among US consumers about garment factory safety in South Asia. She brought Bangladeshi garment workers to Washington state – in light of the tragic collapse and fire of factories in Bangladesh – as part of a greater US tour. The tour was designed to promote concrete measures that make US companies accountable for working conditions in Bangladesh. In addition to providing first-hand information about the conditions in Bangladesh, the speaking tour sought to convince Walmart and GAP to sign binding fire safety agreements.

2012 Award Recipients

Katherine (“Katy”) Lundgren traveled to Nicaragua and El Salvador to further relationships with factory workers on the ground. She participated in an eight-week internship, partnering with the Solidarity Center and United Students Against Sweatshops. She was placed in Managua, Nicaragua, where she partnered with local organizers to support strategic organizing in apparel factories there.

Janey Greenstein and Mina Manuchehri traveled to Washington DC to continue their research in the US declassified documents pertaining to El Salvador and the repression that took place during the Salvadoran Civil War, through an unpaid internship with the National Security Archive. Mina and Janey worked in the Library of Congress and National Archives, both examining the documents that are available, and making note of those that are not, to fuel future Freedom of Information Act requests. We hope that through their efforts, we might continue to dig up vital information that can be shared with survivors of violence in El Salvador who are still searching for justice some twenty years after the war.

2011 Award Recipients

Ana Lottis traveled to El Salvador for two weeks to work with COPPES, CHR’s project partners in the El Salvador History, Memory, and Justice Project, and create an initial inventory of the documents in their possession. She scanned and translated some preliminary samples of what the project’s full archive will later contain. In this sense, Ana’s work is one piece of a larger institutional effort, but a vital one in helping launch what we hope will be an important collaboration.

Geoff Morgan purchased new equipment and conducted water quality testing aimed at pinpointing the source of water contamination as part of the CHR’s Human Rights and Natural Resource Management Project in Guatemala. Through this work, Geoff helped establish the specific responsibility of agroindustrial corporations.

2010 Award Recipients

Erin Murphy collaborated with Ngecha Artists Association in Kenya on a project using art as a medium for promoting dialogue about human rights.

Peter Morris completed a project in conjunction with Japanese NGO Human Rights Now to provide legal assistance to Burmese migrants in Thailand.