UW Center for Global Studies cosponsors Seattle International...
UW Center for Global Studies cosponsors Seattle International Film Festival 2024 Documentary: “The Battle for Laikipia”
The UW Center for Global Studies cosponsored the screening of the 2024 documentary film, The Battle for Laikipia, at this year’s Seattle International Film Festival. A review gives an overview of the film:
“Unresolved historical injustices and climate change raise the stakes in a generations-old conflict between Indigenous pastoralists and white landowners in Laikipia, Kenya, a wildlife conservation haven. Co-directors Daphne Matziaraki (4.1 Miles, The Me You Can’t See) and Pete Murimi (I Am Samuel) craft The Battle for Laikipia with empathy, compassion, and brutal truth. Weaving together themes of environmentalism, colonialism, and conservationism, the film delicately showcases the impact of these crucial topics on the Indigenous farming community of Kenya’s Laikipia region. Handled with care, Matziaraki and Murimi’s The Battle for Laikipia takes us through a journey that elicits frustration, awe, curiosity, and wonder.”—BB, Sundance Film Festival.
SIFF was established in 1976 and continues to screen films from more than 80 countries and regions around the world today. Other SIFF 2024 titles were cosponsored by Jackson School centers, centering topics such as indigenous rights, government oppression, disability, journalism, and more, featuring filmmakers and stories from Ukraine, Congo, Afghanistan, Hawaii, Washington State, and others.

The Battle for Laikipia (2024)