Taso Lagos

- taso@uw.edu
- (206) 616-3247
- (206) 685-0688
- Thomson 411A
Taso Lagos is a lecturer in the Hellenic Studies/European Studies Program in the Jackson School of International Studies. He received his B.A., Masters and Ph.D. from the University of Washington. His main research areas focus on civic engagement and digital technologies, Greek-American media history, immigration studies and nation branding. He has contributed a number of articles, including to the Journal of Modern Greek Studies, Political Communication, New Media & Society, Annals of Political Science, and Journal of Film, Radio and Television. He has also contributed chapters to the recurring volume of Culture & Civilization published by Transaction Press. He also published, 86 Days in Greece: A Time of Crisis that reflects on the current economic and social challenges in Greece. Currently he is working on a book on the life and tragic times of Alexander T. Pantages, Greek immigrant to the United States and movie theater pioneer. He teaches classes on global society and politics, including “Gates & Slums” about Global Apartheid, “Global Politics of Eating Well” and “Meet Your Inner Global Citizen” about the rise of multi-cultural individuals.
- University of Washington, Seattle, Ph.D., Political Communication, 2004
- University of Washington, Seattle, Masters, Communication, 1999
- University of Washington, Seattle, B.A., History, Russia Emphasis, 1980