Meixi Ng

Meixi was a recipient of a Fellowship from the Marcy Migdal Fund for Educational Equality. The award supports exceptional students engaged in activities aimed at enhancing access to education for vulnerable students, either locally or throughout the world, and helping them succeed in their education. Click here to learn more about the Marcy Migdal Fund.
Meixi was awarded the Marcy Migdal Fellowship as a first year doctoral student in the Learning Science and Human Development program in the UW College of Education. Her experiences when she was young in India and Thailand led her to develop a deep interest in discovering ways to create change in communities through schools. As an undergraduate student at Northwestern University, Meixi co-founded The Amber Initiative, a local non-profit in Singapore that worked with young people in Southeast Asia on issues of human trafficking and education. Meixi continued to expand her understanding of how schools can be a source of transformation for communities around the world. In 2010, she traveled to six countries exploring how schools work with marginalized communities. In 2011, she worked as a Princeton Latin American Fellow and collaborated with the Mexican Secretary of Education. In 2012, after working in schools in both Singapore and Mexico, Meixi returned to Southeast Asia where she began to work with the Hill tribe school, Sahasat, which she grew up alongside as a child.
The support of the Marcy Migdal Fellowship allowed Meixi to carry out two initiatives with the Sahasat School in Chiang Rai, Thailand. The first was the FiftyFold Teachers’ Summit for leadership in curriculum development. Funds sponsored transportation costs for two teachers, allowing the first cross-national academic exchange in the leadership team. Funds also allow three educators from Sahasat to take part in the summit.
The Marcy Migdal funds also supported the development of curriculum that intentionally draws upon local knowledge and cultural practices. This is an on-going strand of work at Sahasat school that builds connections with various Hill tribe villages. Teacher-student learning teams were formed where students help develop curriculum.