
CGS K-16 Teaching Resources List

Global Resources

Teaching the World – A collection of Title VI National Resource Centers (NRCs), which are higher education area or international studies centers partially funded by the U.S. Department of Education. Includes additional resources for community college educators and a calendar of professional development programs.

CCMTI 2019 Resource Guide – Information Literacy and ‘Fake News.’

Stevens Initiative resource list – a collection of resources from the Stevens Initiative. The Stevens Initiative is an international effort to build global competence and career readiness skills for young people in the United States and the Middle East and North Africa by growing and enhancing the field of virtual exchange.

Stevens Initiative’s 2020 Virtual Exchange Impact and Learning Report  – This Report shares recent program evaluation data, lessons learned from our response to the coronavirus pandemic, and recommendations for good practice on overcoming common virtual exchange implementation challenges.

Listenwise podcast series on Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) – audio stories that can help teachers support students transitioning to a new and different school year during COVID-19, supplemented by instructional ideas in Listenwise’s SEL blog.

Civics in Real Life: Teaching Current Events through Civic Concepts

United States Institute of Peace: Global Peacebuilding Center ( – Online Courses – tuition free.

Curriculum Design Tookit Aids in Civics Remote Learning – Tookit to support the implementation of civics requirements to prepare students for college, career, and civic life (junior-high focused)

iEARN-USA – International K-12 education and resource network 

  • iEARN members have access to over 100 collaborative K-12 Global Projects, aligned with the UN SDGs.  iEARN members also have access to a Global network of educators and youth, professional development opportunities, and resources for Global Education.

Teaching modules on film curriculum and film literacy from The Story of Movies

The Foreign Service Journal ( – magazine for foreign affairs professionals 

U.S. Department of State Study Abroad Scholarships for High School Students (  // (

Global Concerns Classroom (GCC.CONCERNUSA.ORG)     

Global School Net (

H2O for Life ( – Global Service Learning Program to raise awareness about the global water crisis.

Fulbright Teachers for Global Classrooms ( -Year-long professional development opportunity for U.S. elementary, middle, and high school teachers to develop leadership in global education. 

Fulbright Distinguished Awards in Teaching Program ( for teachers to study at university, observe classes and complete a project pertaining to their field of educational inquiry during their time abroad.  

World Savvy ( – national education non-profit partnering educators, schools, and districts to ensure students are ready to compete and lead as responsible global citizens and changemakers. 

Mario Einaudi Center for International Studies Lending Library, Cornell University  – educational books and culture kits

Hemispheres ( – International outreach consortium at the University of Texas at Austin, offering broad educational program to increase knowledge and understanding of Western EuropeLatin Americathe Middle EastRussia, East Europe, and Eurasia; and South Asia

Education outreach and education resources at Center for Contemporary Arab Studies (CCAS) (

Our Shared Past in the Mediterranean – The Ali Vural Ak Center for Global Islamic Studies – Creative Commons License (

Al-Waleed bin Talal Center for Muslim-Christian Understanding 

Global Education Series

FANschool ( fantasy sports-like games for school content and current events, services K-12 teachers

US-Russia Open Doors ( – a comprehensive information resource on international students and scholars studying or teaching at higher education institutions in the United States, and U.S. students studying abroad for academic credit at their home colleges or universities.  

K-12 International Cyberfair (

Doors to Diplomacy (

Global Oneness Project (, ad-free, education platform that publishes multicultural films, photography, articles, stories, and lesson plans

Congress Bundestag Youth Exchange Program (CBYX) ( month full immersion experience for high school students to live with a host family and attend a German high school

Kennedy-Lugar Youth Exchange and Study (YES) Abroad program (

  • Offers American high school students and recent graduates full scholarships to study for one academic year in countries with significant Muslim populations
  • Scholarships offered to go to the Middle East, Africa, Asia, or the Balkans
  • National Security Language Initiative for Youth (NSLI-Y)

Regional Resources

Reading Across Cultures – Selections from Africa, the Middle East, and Latin America literature:

Children’s Africana Book Award (

MEOC: Middle East Outreach Council (

The Americas Award (

Latin America

Roger Thayer Stone Center for Latin American Studies (Tulane University) (

Consortium of Latin American Studies Programs ( for K-12 educators

Center for Latin American Studies – University of Chicago  (

  • Advances knowledge and public understanding of Latin. America with research, interdisciplinary degree programs, and outreach education projects.
  • Summer Teacher Institute, including workshop materials and lesson plans.
  • Latin American Briefing Series (LABS) – public lecture series.

East Asia

Teach Japan ( -peer-reviewed lesson plans; student-friendly videos

Asian Art Museum (


Teaching Tips: Africa (

The Middle East

Qatar Foundation International (

QFI Al-Masdar (

  • Arabic language teaching materials, opportunities, news, and events

QFI Tilemaker (

  • Web-based application introducing students to fundamental concepts of Islamic art and architecture through exploration and creation of mosaic tile art. 

Pulitzer Center

Pulitzer Center ( -Promoting global awareness through international reporting, outreach and education

Pulitzer Center Lesson Builder: (

To End AIDS (  -writing and photography of Pulitzer Center grantees who have reported on HIV/AIDS around the globe.

Signs of Your Identity ( -Pulitzer Center grantee Daniella Zalcman on Native American research

National Geographic

National Geographic giant maps for K-12 educators (

National Geographic Bee ( grades 4-8

National Geographic Cengage ( –A student-friendly record of the history of the United States for K-12

Teaching/Quiz Resources

Kahoot it ( -A fun learning game made from a series of multiple choice questions, with the ability to add videos, images, and diagrams. Players answer on their own devices and games are displayed on a shared screen

Quizizz ( or create quizzes and share them with others, there is an option to start a “live” game in class or assign Quizizz as a homework task

Quizalize ( – Create an instant classroom quiz, play in class or as homework

Go Soap Box ( – Web-based clicker tool

Socrative ( – classroom app for fun student engagement, quickly assesses students with prepared activities or on-the-fly questions to get immediate insight into student understanding.

Mentimeter ( -Easy to use presentation software for fun and interactive presentations/lectures

QR Code Scavenger Hunt ( -1) Input a series of questions and answers 2) Get a QR code for each question 3) Put the QR codes around your school 4) Students find and answer the questions.

Simple Mind ( -A Mind Mapping tool for brainstorming, idea collection and thought structuring device

iBrainstorm ( -Allows for drawing out mind maps

Popplet ( -Use Popplet to create graphic organizers, diagrams, mind maps, portfolios, presentations, and more

MindMeister ( -An online mind mapping tool that serves as a platform to exchange ideas with fellow students on a project-based task or get valuable suggestions from teachers

10 Digital Tools for the Inquiry Learning Process

Create a Picture/Mural

Create a Diary


Create a Film

Create a Timeline

Write a Report

Draw a Cartoon

Engage in Civic Action

Create an Illustrated Map

Create a Newspaper/News Magazine

Learning Activity Websites





Teaching About History

Not Even Past (

 15 Minute History (

  • A podcast for educators, students, and history buffs.

Echoes & Reflections ( – teaching the Holocaust in middle and high school 

Stanford History Education Group ( – Civic Online Reasoning assessments to measure students’ ability to evaluate online information

Indian Ocean in World History (


Film, Video and Audio Resources

Kanopy ( – Thousands of movies streaming for free, thanks to the generous support of your public library or university

Journeys in Film ( – includes free lesson plans and resources for teaching with film

We The Voters: 20 Films for the People ( – collection of short films about how the government works

Listenwise ( – auditory learning program based on public radio stories

Unity Productions Foundation (UPF) – ( – films for teachers, community events and policy leaders

StoryCorps in San Francisco (  // San Francisco Public Library (

  • Recording, preserving and sharing voices of communities in the Bay Area

POV – Community Network (

POV – Point-of-View Documentary Films (PBS) ( – American television’s longest-running documentary series on PBS; films, shorts, digital projects, free documentaries from PBS with over 200 accompanying lesson plans

Country Music Hall of Fame ( – Digital teaching resources

Harvard Hip Hop Archive (

Teaching about Finance

Econedlink ( – Economic and Personal Finance Resources

Fake News Studies and Resources

Fake news, ads dupe internet-savvy students, study finds


News Literacy Project (

  • How Fake News Goes Viral: A Case Study – Buses Full of Protesters


How to recognize fake news

Confronting conformation bias (for teachers and students) (


Editorial: Fake news consumers drive fake news (

National Council for the Social Sciences on media literacy (

World Affairs Council Online Resources

World Affairs Council Online Resources (

Accessible Education Resources

Accessible technology resources 

Accessible reading resources

  • The Accessible Books Consortium’s (ABC) Global Book Service has half a million accessible works now available for cross-border, clearance-free exchange to benefit people who are blind, visually impaired or otherwise print disabled. The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) ABC Global Book Service is an online catalogue for the international exchange of accessible books by participating libraries for the blind, which share items in their collections and distribute accessible books obtained through ABC to their patrons who are print disabled.
  • Bookshare  – a free online library that provides access to over 800,000 ebooks in easy-to-read formats. Students can read books in audio, follow text with karaoke-style highlighting, read in braille or large font, and customize their reading experience to suit their individual learning style. Teachers can create free school accounts and easily assign books to students to read their own. Parents can also sign up students for free (students 18 and over can sign up themselves) to access Bookshare at home independently. To join Bookshare, students must have a qualifying reading barrier. For students that do not qualify, Bookshare provides nearly 10,000 ebooks in our specialized formats that anyone can read for free. In addition, Bookshare has compiled resources from partners, publishers, and technology companies to provide access to more tools and books for all students. 
  • National Library Service for the Blind and Print Disabled offers the BARD (Braille and Audio Reading Download) to download audio and braille books and magazines. BARD is available for IOS, Android, or Fire devices.

Other  accessibility resources

20 tools for a more accessible classroom 

American Foundation for the Blind’s free webinar on how to provide Remote Instruction and Services for Blind and Low Vision Participants.

Reading Rocket’s accessibility tools and resources – identifies high-quality, useful resources that address various aspects of accessibility: developing an accessibility statement, conducting an accessibility audit, acquiring accessible technology, and building professional development resources on accessibility for school staff and others. 

Accessible technology at the UW –

National Center on Accessible Educational Materials for Learning – provides technical assistance, coaching, and resources to increase the availability and use of accessible educational materials and technologies for learners with disabilities across the lifespan 

National Federation of the Blind (NFB) resources

Disabilities, Opportunities, Internetworking, and Technology (DO-IT Centre)

National Center on Universal Design for Learning created by the Center for Applied Special Technology (CAST) – The UDL Guidelines are a tool used in the implementation of Universal Design for Learning, a framework to improve and optimize teaching and learning for all people based on scientific insights into how humans learn. Learn more about the Universal Design for Learning framework from CAST. The UDL Guidelines can be used by educators, curriculum developers, researchers, parents, and anyone else who wants to implement the UDL framework in a learning environment. These guidelines offer a set of concrete suggestions that can be applied to any discipline or domain to ensure that all learners can access and participate in meaningful, challenging learning opportunities.

Universal Instructional Design Project

University of Guelph, Teaching Support Services, Centre for Open Learning and Educational Support

UDL-Universe – A project of the California State University system, UDL-Universe (UDL-U) supports postsecondary faculty and staff by providing resources and examples to improve postsecondary education for all students, including those with disabilities. 

Ontario’s Universities Accessible – Campus Educator’s Accessibility Toolkit – provides guidelines and tips on how to make your courses and your teaching more accessible to students in line with research on best practices in teaching and learning.

The Perkins eLearning Blog offered helpful strategies for teachers of students with visual impairments (TVIs) who are preparing to use virtual instruction to reach students.

Freedom Scientific, a leading worldwide brand of assistive technology products for those with vision impairments, announced on 3/24/2020 that they are offering free home-use software to those affected by COVID-19.

The Helen Keller National Center for Deaf-Blind Youth and Adults is offering their courses free of charge through May 31. The extensive list of their courses is at:

Educators who have at least one student who is deaf, hard of hearing, blind, visually impaired or deaf-blind can use the Described and Captioned Media Program’s free services to help ensure that educational videos are accessible for students learning at home.

For College students who are blind – The National Federation of the Blind’s “Self-Advocacy in Higher Education Toolkit” is designed for blind students seeking to better understand the higher education accommodation request process, mitigate access barriers on campus, and ultimately to succeed at your schools and in your chosen areas of study.

Additional Resources

Working and learning online during a pandemic (Pearson)

Audible is offering hundreds of free audiobooks for kids during COVID-19 school closures. Visit to access audiobooks for preschoolers through teens.

Fostering Respect: How to Avoid Microaggressions in the Classroom

A guide to identifying microaggressions in the classroom space and avoiding unconscious biases.

Center for Applied Special Technology (CAST) – CAST helps educators and organizations apply insights from the learning sciences and leading-edge practices to educational design and implementation.

Learning for Justice ( –Respond to everyday stereotypes and bias

ASIDE: The American Society of Innovation Design in Education (

Document-Based Learning ( ( – free resources for building critical thinking skills 

Partners for the Advancement of Teaching ( – curriculum model for student engagement; teacher learning workbook

NCSS Awards & Recognition Programs (

  • Outstanding Social Studies Teacher of the Year Award (elementary, middle, secondary)
  • Grant for the Enhancement of Geographic Literacy
  • Award for Global Understanding
  • Christa McAuliffe Reach for the Stars Award
  • Exemplary Research in Social Studies Award
  • Larry Metcalf Exemplary Dissertation Award
  • Jean Dresden Grambs Distinguished Career Research in Social Studies Award