Spring 2019: Trump in the World Lecture Series
The presidency of Donald Trump is having a significant impact on international affairs, global alliances, the U.S. role in the world, and on the status and politics of other countries.
Join the Jackson School for its series of talks and discussions on the international impact of the Trump presidency, in Spring 2019.
These lectures are free and open to students and the public.
In this 2-credit lecture series, faculty at the Jackson School and Northwestern University will explore perspectives from U.S. space policy in the world to Trump and Russia to immigration enforcement and Germany in the spotlight of Trump criticism and more.
Regular attendance is required if you are taking the class for credit. Interested students are also welcome to attend any or all of the lectures without registering for the class.
- JSIS 478 J–Trump in the World (SLN 21192)
- Every Tuesday starting April 2; from 4:30 to 6:20 p.m. in Kane Hall, Room 110.
- Moderator: Reşat Kasaba, Director of the Jackson School of International Studies and Stanley D. Golub Chair of International Studies
List of speakers and topics:
4/2: Reşat Kasaba: Introduction
4/9: Mary Callahan: Trump NOT in Southeast Asia
4/16: Saadia Pekkanen: May the Space Force Be With You: U.S. Space Policy in the World
4/23: Daniel Immerwahr: History of the U.S. Island Empire
4/30: Scott Radnitz: Trump and Russia in Year 3: Pandering while Punishing
5/7: Joel Migdal: The Middle East Cauldron
5/14: Angelina Godoy: Secret Police: Immigration Enforcement in the Contemporary USA
5/21: David Bachman: From Engagement to What? The Trump Administration and China
5/28: Niko Switek: Trade deficit, NATO dues, refugee policies – partner and ally Germany in the spotlight of Trumps criticism
6/4: Roundtable discussion
To request disability accommodation contact the Disability Services Office at least ten days in advance at: (206) 543-6450/V, (206) 543-6452/TTY, (206) 685-7264 (FAX), or dso@u.washington.edu.